Mother, help me...

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It was a normal day for Ryan Kentaro, a young and rather shy 9-year-old boy, who is top of his class both intelectually and physically, unaware that he was being helped by someone he does and doesn't know. He was heading over to the school's caffeteria to see whats on the menu, then looked at the lunch lady, with $10 in $1 bills in his wallet. He took a deep breath before asking, "Could i have a bowl of cheese and ham pasta, a small side of garlic bread and an apple juice please?"
The lunch lady nodded kindly, getting the food and drink he ordered, freshly hot and cold respectivly, handing it to him via tray, saying "that totals up to $3:50", which Ryan pays, getting 50 cents change before finding a seat to have his food. He noticed that most people have just shunned him by giving the cold shoulder, or just shaking their heads, until he sat near the end of an empty table. An average life for him... At least for now.

Mean while, a special research facility, known as Heaven's Door, was conducting social experiments with some orphans, some had stayed calm and happy, others became quiet and calculative, but there were a small handful that were acting rather strange, as if they were becoming deluded. Heaven's Door was built back in 1832, originally as a paranormal research company backed by the United Nations, but as the years change, so did their research, stemming towards the belief that these paranormal effects were the result of strong levels of ESP, PSI and imagination, particular towards the young. Those that could do these unusual abilities, even to go far as make what they see visible, were known as mindsets. One doctor of the research team, Casandra Kenedy, was walking towards one of the rooms labeled with caution signs, carrying a file, clipboard and what seems to be a meal under a teatowel. After given access to the room, she stepped in, seeing the walls were mostly stark white, except for the wall where the child's bed was. The wall was layered with ink and crayon wax, written was 'LET ME OUT', 'SET ME FREE', 'TRUST ME, IM YOUR FRIEND, and 'ILL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO TO FREE ME'. This gave Casandra very little thought on what is going on, though she is aware that the child in the room was far from being reached...

Back in school, Ryan was in the middle of reading class, reading the more compound books such as Edgar Alen Poe, R L Stien and even the original stories by the brothers Grimm. Until the principal came up to the class to call him to his office. Ryan was confused about what was going on, but things became less confusing as they were in the principals office

"Ryan, you know how much of a prodigy you are, correct?" The principal asked, cleaning his glasses, to which Ryan nodded to the question
"Well, this man here, is going to tell you some very sad news" the principal was pointing at a young man, who was in his 20s, wearing a formal suit and designer rimmed glasses, while holding what looked like was a brief case.

"W... Whats going on? Am i in trouble?" Ryan asked, looking confused.

"You're not in trouble, your parents..." the lawyer paused for a brief moment before recollecting his thoughts "your parents went missing. I'm sorry." Ryan became shocked as the words 'missing parents' kept on repeating over and over, then he began to weep, as the tears from his eyes rolled from his young face, across his cheek. The lawyer then got to his level, looking at him. "Ryan, would you like to stay with me for the night?" He asked, to which ryan nodded.

Elsewhere, Casandra was talking to a child of a similar age, that was hidden under the bed and then crawled out to see the meal and Casandra.
"So then, John. How are you today" Casandra asked to him. John said nothing and grabbed the bowl, the contents was of macoroni and cheese, with small bits of gammon. Casandra responded by writing on her clipboard with a red ballpoint pen.

"What about your immaginary friend? How is Mister Hideyhole?" Casandra asked looking through Johns file, which had a part about his friend. He was describled to be a mixture of a rabbit, mole and ghost. John replied "hes playing hide and seek."

"Really now? Theres not much places he could hide," she said, looking around

"He knows how to hide when least expected" John said, eating the macoroni. Casandra looked confused, but noticed that her shadow started to move on its own. This is what John had meant, as Mister Hideyhole uses others shadows to sneak up on and mutilate them on the spot. But Casandra hurried to the light switch just in time. going full brightness, Casandra's shadow dissapeared completely, and by extension, Mister Hideyhole shot out, screaming like a siren, then went back into Johns mind to recover. Casandra was relieved to stay alive, but she was aware that she could not stay in here for long, so she left, carrying her notes and file, then slammed the door shut

"Obviously we are dealing with a class B mindset" Casandra said to one of the guards "make sure he is secured in high visability areas only"

Back at the lawyers car, Ryan was holding his bag of clothes and drawing stuff, including a drawing of a lady in red, with crystal jewelery in her hair and torso. Harrison, the lawyer, had a look at the picture, looking interested.

"Thats a nice picture there, who is she?" Harrison asked politely.

"Crystal. Shes my imaginary friend," Ryan answered, still distraught about his parent going missing. "She is there when i need her, and when she needs me"

Harrison then stopped the car to a building that looked unusual to the other buildings in the street. Ryan looked at it for a moment while Harrison went to get a form from the building, then got back in the car and continued driving until they got to his house. Harrison then went to get Ryans stuff while ryan entered his house.

"You get to sleep in the spare room, my wife made it ready for you" Harrison said, carrying ryans things "in the mean time, watch some tv." Ryan nodded and watch some tv, so that he can be settled down. So far things are not doing well, what do you think Ryan will face next?

Mindsets: Imagination gone wild!Where stories live. Discover now