Dinner and a shooting?...

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Chloe's POV

Annie just got picked up and mom went out for a business dinner so I was home alone, I had two choices, either I could call my boyfriend or go out.  It was only 6 so being out for a while wouldn't hurt, the only rule in our house is whoever's the last one out the door has to make sure it's locked. Just lock the door that's all I had to do.

Dave's POV

I was late to pick her up, and I felt bad because Paige and I had some action earlier, I didn't wanna do it, I really didn't. But she was drunk and I couldn't stop her, there was only one person on my mind that day and it was Annie. We were driving to her surprise that I planed, I got her favorite band "New Politics " to perform for her....ok.. James got it but does it matter? No, I'm taking credit thank you very much. I had a place in the middle of a park waiting with a candle lit dinner and of course the band, it was simple but romantic. Even though I only met her she didn't seem like the kind of girl that would like a lot of people around and a lot of stuff, she was simple, not in a bad way but she was pure, she wasn't like most girls who only cared about how they looked she cared about people. She cared about how you were, it one of the things I liked about her.

"Um Dave, Dave?"

"What?..sorry I must have blanked out"

"For ten minutes? Haha" hearing her laugh made me happy, she was imperfectly perfect

"I think we're here actually, do you mind being blindfolded?"

"Is this a sex game?"

"NO, NO, oh gosh I just ruined it"

She touched my shoulder "Dave it's fine, and I woulnd't mind if it was either" note to self, remember she said that. I put the blindfold on her and helped her out of the car, I hadn't noticed how beautiful she looked, She had on a short tight black dress with some black pumps and her hair was curled, she wasn't wearing much makeup but she was still stunning.

"Ok Annie, be careful I don't want you to fall in a hole"


"It's ok a got you" I took her hand and held it tightly, "Ok, we're here" I sat her down in a chair and took the blindfold off

Annie's POV

I was in a chair and it was freezing, I honestly just wanted a jacket. I felt warm hands on my face as Dave removed the blindfold, it was such a beautiful sight. We were in a park with a candle lit dinner, white roses on the table and on the floor, and "New Politics" were singing to me...Um what? Dave took my hand and guided me to the table, he had waiters and everything, we were basically in an outdoor restaurant with a band and I had a hot date. But it seemed like James had something to do with it, even if he did it didn't matter, I loved all of it.

"Dave, James didn't have to do all of this" I said with a wink

"Fine James did help but I DID most of it ok, I was all my idea, everything came out of Dave's mind, not James, Dave"

"Haha, even if it was James it's fine, this is the nicest thing anyone's done for me, thank you"

"Haven't your parents done stuff for you?"

"Well sorta, but they were never around for much"

"Why not? When was the last time you had a nice birthday?" I had to think about this, the last time both my parents were together was when I was six, then everything went in a shitty direction and I didn't care about anything

"Well, I was six and my parents got me this tent, it was one of  those princess tents with the lace and bows and all that stuff but I would hide in it when they would argue and I would block out everything and just be in my own little world, but the week before the separated someone broke in our house and trashed everything, they didn't steal anything they just broke everything. My tent was ripped and after that I never felt safe, I always felt like someone would come and take me, and I'm only close to two people and that's Troy and Casey, they helped me out when I was alone, Troy helps more than Casey but I don't have a family"

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