Have you ever been put down because you had a disease? I have of course.
I have a disease called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome also known an PCOS. This causes my testosterone levels to rise and I grow hair on my face and chest. I have some chin and neck hair and mostly all sideburn hair. This also causes my period to become irregular. I do take medication for my hair and my period. I think I was diagnosed in July 2016.
Though because of this and how I looked. I was picked on. People said I was even uglier and my uncle said something and it offended me. I think it was something about how real woman aren't suppose to have hair on their face. It made me cry a lot thinking that I was a monster. But luckily I realized its a disease that I can't control. Basically what I thought was that the people who bullied me or said rude comments are the ones with a real disease. But when I got into high school the bulling did stop. Maybe the new people are the mature ones?