I understand it now
Why it hurt to tell me you loved me
The emptiness you felt with my arms around you
The confusion at the sadness
Cause the world has told you that love makes you happy
Yet every time I told you I loved you, your heart throbbed with emptiness
As you spoke it back you winced as it stung your lips
I used to cry myself to sleep at night asking how you could be so cruel and empty
But now I understand
I feel the hollowness every time somebody says they're in love with me
Or tells me I'm beautiful
And when I say it back I feel my lips sting and my smile lines burn like the end of your joint
You were empty and broken and I used to think that's why it hurt you to love me
But now it hurts me to love him and her and everybody I've tried to love
Does that make me empty and broken?
I wasn't like this before you
I loved and loved and loved with everything in me time and time again
But you took all my love when you left
So now I sit here and write about the girls that share sad broken eyes
And I mourn the pieces of me I gave to you every day