A Boy's Tale

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MUD SPLATTERED about as a young silver-haired boy clad in tattered robes walked barefoot through a deep forest. He rubbed his callused hands against his arm and looked at the trees above as he followed an older taller boy ahead of him. The older boy had messy blonde hair, wore dirty clothes and had a dagger on his belt. The two were brothers.

"Keep up, night's nearly upon us." The older boy said.

The young boy nodded, following the older boy up to the edge of a cliff overseeing the rest of the forest. In the distance was a large and old monastery at the top of some mountains, a sight that put a broad smile on the older boy's face.

"We're almost there, Erhard."

THE DARK halls spread out before him as he walked amongst the members of the Order. His face was hidden beneath a heavy, sleeveless cloak, and he cast a shadow on those around him as he moved his large frame onward. Clad in a silver-plated armour top over black trousers, boots and silver gauntlets on his forearms, the Dragon god walked on when a voice called out to him.

"Lord Erhard," a young woman – his aide – walked up to him, "we've gotten confirmation, the stones are on transit as we speak. The Guardian of Fate is in progress."

"Good." Erhard said. "Anything else?"

"The Red Lotus is moving quite steadily and is now attacking the Table. They are drawing ever closer to summoning their goddess."

Erhard stopped and glanced around then started walking. "Make sure the stones reach the ley-lines and stay in contact with me."

"And what about the Red Lotus?"

"We will deal with them in time – those self-righteous zealots and their false gods can wait."

YOUNG ERHARD toppled over and fell onto the hard oaken floor of a dim room. His body was covered in bruises and he frowned as he turned to a monk who stood at the entrance of the room. "Now, you think about what you've done."

The door slammed shut, allowing the darkness to set in and Erhard got to his feet, dusting himself. He squinted and looked up, seeing a small window above and he looked around when he saw a girl seated at the corner of the room. She had large green eyes and cherry blonde hair and wore a grey apron and brown dress that was torn at her knees.

"Alana, what're you doing here?" Erhard walked up to her.

"I should be asking you that question." Alana said and Erhard rubbed his black eye. "Don't you care what your brother will say?" She asked

"He's not the boss of me." Erhard sat down. "Besides, he's out for the day, so he'll be back late." He huffed and leaned against the wall. "What're you doing in here? Finally broke one of their rules?" He chuckled then saw her bend her knees toward her chest, closing herself off. "You brought yourself here?"

"Why should I even go out there? They all hate me." She looked down at her feet then raised her brow as he didn't give a response. "You're not saying anything?"

"You seem to like being alone, so what am I going to say?"

"You're such a great friend." She said sarcastically.

"I am aren't I? I offer no friendly advice whatsoever!" He chuckled and saw her smile. "Look, the fact that you're alone means they see something in you that they fear. Embrace it." Alana looked at Erhard then stood up. "What're you doing?" He asked.

"How do you think I got in here the first time?" She drew a key out of her apron. Erhard grinned and followed her up to the door as she unlocked it. "After you, milady," she gestured to the hallway.

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