Christmas Special Gift

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Guys this is just an extra chapter 😂 ENJOY !

♧♢♡♤■□●○•° ^_^°•○●□■♤♡♢♧

Few years later...

I woke up early in the morning but still on the bed...

I'm enjoying myself by just looking at the man that is still sleeping peacefully beside me.

I slowly raise my finger and draw the perfect shape of his eyebrows.

I smiled when his eyebrow suddenly moved.

" Jagi...It's still early to eat you... " He said and give me a smirk

" Trust me or not, I'll hit you if you tease me again. " I replied

" Okay okay...but aren't you tired after yesterday nights- Ouch ! "

" Don't mention about it. " I said

" You're cute as always. " He smiled

" Yeah right... " I was just about to continue to talk but I suddenly feel like I'm gonna vomit so I got up and went to the toilet.

He saw and got worried, he went to toilet to check on me.

" Jagiya... are you alright? Need any help? " He asked

" I'm okay... " I gave him a weak smile

" ...Okay if you say so...I'll make some breakfast, you just stay on bed okay. " he said and went out the room

"'s not usual for me to vomit, I didn't eat much too...Nah, maybe my stomach just don't feel right today. " I went to have a rest on the bed as he command.

After few minutes of waiting, he brought in the breakfast.

" I cooked some porridge since you're not feeling well. Here, have a taste. " he smiled

I nodded and smiled back. But when I smell the porridge, the feel of vomiting came back and I hurry got of the bed and rushed to the toilet to vomit.

Jin was very very worried about me...but he suddenly came closer and hugged me.

" Jagiya... are you possibly... pregnant? " Jin hold on to my hand

I froze at the point where he says pregnant...I looked at him and thought...

Is it possible? I think my period is late... I really...

" J-jin... " I started to get nervous and hold his hand tightly

" Jagiya, don't worry yet...Let's go to the hospital and have a check okay? " He help me up

We got changed and quickly went to the hospital. After a long wait, it's finally our turn to go in the room to find out the result.

Jin hold on to my hand to let me feel less nervous...I'm so nervous my hand started to sweat.

" it's Mr.&Ms.Kim. " The doctor said.

" Yes... " Jin replied

" You two finally came to see me after these years of marriage. " the doctor laughed

" We're busy but we tried hard. " Jin smiled.

I blushed and hit his hand.

" Okay...let me see if the sweetest couple get a prize. " He said.

" Um... "

" How's the result? " Jin asked

" Ms.Kim, Congratulations you're officially a mother to be. " he smiled

I stunned by his word but I smiled as soon as Jin hugged me.

" Jagiya... we're having our first child. Thank you! " He hugged me tightly

I nodded and hit my face in his chest...We're gonna have our own family soon...

After that we got home and he want me to just lay on the bed and rest, he'll do all the job.

I laughed at him and looked out the window. It's snowing...

"'s snowing out there. " He come and sit beside me while holding my hand.

" Yup. Merry Christmas~ " I smile

" Merry Christmas, thank you for giving me the best gift ever. Jagiya...I love you. " he smile and leaned closer

" I love you too. " I closed my eyes

♧♢♡♤■□●○•° ^_^ °•○●□■♤♡♢♧

That's all for Christmas ~
I'm sorry it's short and was in a hurry.

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