Chapter One

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This town isn’t enough for me anymore. It never has been really. I’m simply living a lethal routine day after day, waiting for my life to actually start. The world is a big place and I want to visit it all. Maybe I could change someone’s life? Maybe I could meet someone who changed mine, but for now I’m stuck in this life that I have created all on my own. With the help of my parent’s and peers of course. Because what they say goes apparently.


I snap my head up to look at Mrs. Granger. The marker in her hand tells me it’s my turn to write the answer on the board. The rest of the class is silent, staring at me as I stare at the teacher trying to figure out how out get out of this. I stand up slowly and walk over to the board with a silent groan. Guys snicker behind me and one of them mutters, “Of course she knows it’s. She’s Little Miss Perfect.”

I ignore them and walk back to my desk once I scribbled the answer down, smoothing down my plaid skirt and collared, button up shirt. My glasses are smudged, but I ignore it. My blonde hair is in a side braid with a red ribbon in it. The perfect straight A student. “Little Miss Perfect”.

Except I’m far from it.

My parent’s force school and being perfect down my throat so much it’s hard to breathe around it. I do excellent in school, but it’s not where my heart is at. My heart is at seeing the world and exploring it. I would like to get out of this deadbeat town and discover things, possibly myself. I have no idea who I am anymore with all the secrets and lying. My thoughts sometimes drown me and no one seems to notice that I’m so close to the top of the water, but still slowly sinking.

“You’re so sexy in that skirt,” a raspy voice growls from beside me.

I snap out of my thoughts and look over at Ashton, snarling my nose. When his hand grips my thigh I let out a yelp and slap it away. “Don’t ever touch me again,” I hiss.

“There’s a party tonight,” he says with a grin. His dimples give him an adorable feature and his bright blue-green eyes make him charming. His light brown hair has a few curls here and there and is always a mess, but it fits him quite well. But his personality is shit.

“Good for you,” I say in a bored tone.

“Wanna go?” His desk is scooted closer to mine now.

“I don’t go to parties.”

“Can’t straight A, perfect, princess do bad just once?”

I stay silent.

“I bet you’ve never had any fun,” he continues.

“Go away.”

“Have you ever had sex? What about cussed? Have you ever even kissed someone?” he rambles off questions, not having a care in the world that he’s invading in my personal business.

The bell rings and I storm out into the hall. Ashton Michaels is such a charmer, I swear. He’s always saying things to me that try to get me upset, but I just let it slide because he doesn’t know the real me. And that’s how it’s supposed to be.

When I pass my best friend, Erin in the hallway she gives me a smile and runs over to me. I admire her Doc Martins, skinny jeans, and green sweater. She tries to cool her punk outfits at school, so we can keep our little scheme going, but sometimes it peeks through.

“Hey,” I say to her.

“Hey. So are you picking me up tonight?” she asks, her bright brown eyes shining with hope.

“Yeah. Jessie said she’d meet us there. She skipped today.”

“All right.”

“What are you wearing?” I make my way to my locker, but a figure collides with me and my books fall to the ground. “What the hell? Watch where you’re going,” I hiss.

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