Chapter Four

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I just stand there staring at my driveway where my van should be, but isn’t. Ashton actually stole my van. He stole my van and is going to make me walk to school, isn’t he? What a dick! I shouldn’t expect much more from him. Although, I’m not even sure how he got my keys.

I attempt to control my anger as I angrily stomp down the sidewalk and towards the road. How can he do this to me when I let him stay at my house while he was drunk? I did him a favor and he repays me by doing this? I knew I hated him for a reason.

It’s been three minutes and I’m barely even at the end of my street. I huff and stand by the stop sign to catch the bus.


I spin around and see my van traveling down the road and stop beside me. The window rolls down and Ashton leans over the passenger seat, giving me a dimpled grin. Anger flares up in me and I open the door, plopping down in the passenger seat. “What the hell!” I scream.

“Oh come on, it was funny,” he replies as he begins to drive.

“I thought I was going to have to take the bus!”

“I know; I’ve been following you. You’re so cute when you’re mad.”

“I hate you so much.”

“Do I smell food?” He digs in my backpack until he finds the zip-lock baggy of food for him. “Why is this in your bag?”

“I brought it for you, but now you don’t get it because you stole my van.”

“I’m eating it.”

I reach over and grab the biscuit out of his hand and toss it out the window before I do the same with the piece of bacon. There’s one piece left and he stuffs the whole strip into his mouth before I can snatch it.

“You’re a bitch,” he says through the food in his mouth.

“So you’ve said,” I mutter and slump down in the seat. I put my headphones in and keep them in until we reach school, so I don’t have to talk to him. When he parks I hop out and groan when he appears at my side. “Why are you talking to me in public?”

“Why not?” he grins.

“Okay, please don’t talk to me in public,” I hiss. I accidently bump into a guy and cause him to drop all his books. He spins around and glares at me. “Uh, I’m so sorry,” I stutter and bend down to pick up his books.

“Watch where you’re going nerd girl!” he spats. His dark hair is buzzed and he’s only a few inches taller than me, but his dark eyes make him intimidating.

“I said I was sorry.” I stand up and hold the books out for him to take, but he just glares at me like I’m the strangest creature on the earth. “Um, here are your books.” I wiggle them by his chest.

“I see them.”

“Are you going to take them?” He’s really pissing me off.

“No, you can carry them for me since you knocked them out of my hand.”

“Um…” How do I even respond to that nicely? Ashton smacks the books out of my hand and they fall back to the ground. I give him a warily glare, confused but also angry.

“Listen, prick,” Ashton spits. “She was nice enough to say sorry, so you could have said okay and went along, but no you had to be a dick and get me pissed off. Now, you can pick them up off the ground and you can carry them yourself like a big boy.”

“Who do you think you-”

Ashton steps closer, where his height overwhelms the boy and he clears his throat and grabs his books, walking away. I’ve always said Ashton is the bad boy of the school, but I’ve never understood why until now. He’s really fucking intimidating.

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