Chapter 8: SWAG TIME

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Chapter 8: SWAG TIME

a broken toy, is as useless as an elastic band without a target. There is no purpose to it, and thus leaves a small child with a broken heart. It looks like a child's heart was mended though, considering that elastic found a target, and hit a bullseye. The target was my heart, and I am now a broken toy.

right now I sit in an interrogation room, with bright lights, shining upon me, blinding my poor defenseless retinas. I had no clue AHQ contained rooms like these, considering the shell of it radiates a peaceful, serene vibe. "Do you agree Rebecca?" Mr. Johnson's gruff voice spat at me from above. He started moving further over me, but could only go so far due to the desk between us, although his head did begin to block the high beam light from disintegrating my face off.

I Squinted my eyes and looked up at him. I tried to decipher his facial features from one to the other, but gave up, as his face was much too overcast with shadows and only looked like a large blob.

"Do you agree?" he repeated again, this time more firmly, and smacked his hand on the desk in front of him. I jumped back at the loud whacking sound. I pulled my gaze away from the old man, and towards a more dimly lit spot of the room. Fright began to consume me and a misunderstanding of the reason why I came back to this place filled me. While I opened my eyes wider for a break from the brightness, my vision glassed over. I was set in the stage between bawling and moping, when you felt a stray tear could fall at any moment, but one never comes. A fear filled me, making me feel two inches tall. I shrank back in my seat, and clenched my teeth.

I couldn't understand why I came back here. Here of all places. To the crazy. The insane. The magic fairy-tale world. To the angels, daemons, and more than likely, unicorns too. Why I came back to the one place in the world I hated most was a mystery I had to unravel before I left. Now your probably wondering what deranged set of events took place to land me in this pit of non-hell. Well click on your seat belts and get ready for the most bonkers story imaginable.


"No Bunny, you're wrong. You are not a broken toy" Riley reassured me in a soothing voice.

"Now is not the time" hurt and confusion washed over him. "This is way overwhelming to take in, and I don't need you screwing around in my head" tears began to prickle my eyes, and my voice went shaky near the end.

He nodded his head and reached towards me. an internal battle took place 'do I want him to hug me? I mean usually I want him as far away as possible, but now, I think he's the only one who can comfort me' it was true. He must have gone through something similar at one point too. And at this point, I needed someone by my side to act as a support system, and I couldn't think of anyone better than Riley.

I think he noticed my stable stance while I was thinking, and stopped moving in for a hug, even though, at the moment, I needed one more than ever. I flung my math books to the side, and dove into him for a hug. My act did not surprise him whatsoever, and I was brought into strong welcoming arms, and a warm, firm chest. This is when my emotions broke loose. Hot tears flowed freely down my face, only making Riley hold me tighter. I nestled my face into his shoulder, and took a deep breath in. He smelled amazing. He smelled like candy. Deliciously sweet, and addictive, but there was also a tinge of spice.

My tears slowed, along with my heart rate and breathing, but the only thing I could concentrate on was Riley. We were squished together, and in every place our bodies met, electricity jolted through me. He ran a delicate hand through my hair and down my arm then started whispering in my ear, "It will be okay, I promise. If you need me, I will be right there, right behind you" his sweet words sent shivers down my spine.

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