Chapter 1: ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall

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Hey readers!

I would just like to say thank- you sooooooo freaking much for reading this book

Now this is only my first book ever so I know I'm probably not the greatest writer ever, but I'm trying so please go easy on me k?

I hope you enjoy!


I came up with this story on my own and any resemblances to other stories are completely coincidental.


Chapter 1: ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall

Boom boom Boom boom Boom boom. In... Out... In... Out are the only thoughts that cross my mind as I try and concentrate on breathing. Boom boom Boom boom, as I listen to my heart possibly taking its final beats. There is a long bone-deep cut on my leg, extending from my rear end, to my knee cap. I'm losing a shockingly huge amount of blood, every beat of my heart. boom boom boom boom. in... out... in... out, every breath i take, i fear will be my last. Even when I close my eyes I can still faintly see the bright flashing of the purple and gold lights. as if I were paralyzed, I am not able to move and the only thing I can do is wait.


BEEP BEEP! I chuckle to myself remembering on our birthday after our parents showed him the the car, the look on his face was priceless, not because he got a car for our birthday , but because he got a CHICK car for our birthd-BEEP BEEP i jumped at the sound of the car horn snapping me back to reality. BEEP BEEP, Jayden smacks his car horn again for the umpteenth time thinking somewhere in his idiotic mind it will make me get outside faster. " calm down! ", I yelled out to him quite angrily " I'm coming"

" yea well ya sure are taking long enough sis!", he said

I swear he is the most up tight teenage boy in all of history , I think to myself as I walk down the driveway towards his car. I hear a noise down the street and turn my head to see what it was " damn crows , can't they be quieter" I whisper to myself as I turn my head back and face my brothers car only to see him slowly rolling down the drive way as he threatens to leave without me

" what the hell?!", I yelled to him as I quickly ran to the car and jumped in, throwing on my seatbelt.

" well we're gonna be late , and you were taking your sweet old time", said Jayden stressfully .

" late for what!", I replied " school doesn't start for another hour!"

" what I like being early "

" by an hour? You just want to pick up Jill on our way there ", I said accusingly

"Guilty as charged", he said smugly as we turned the corner off of our street and the conversation went silent.

I stared out the window for a while fascinated by the many different colours rushing by in a large blur. my window was cracked open slightly letting the cool February wind pour in, blowing my hair about in crazy and random patterns. I rested by head down on the head rest and closed my eyes to let myself enjoy the moment. It was refreshing, any moment of relaxation i can get is refreshing only because the last few days of my life have Been completely hectic reeking havoc across my entire sleep schedule. so it didn't start off too bad, I went to my best friend Sam's house for a sleep over three days earlier, being regular teenagers of course we stayed up until three o'clock in the morning, but little did I know I would be waking up at eight a.m. to my cell phone ringing and my mom on the other end of the line telling me to get ready for the hour long drive to grandma's. I couldn't even sleep on the way there since my younger brother, Thomas, and my twin brother, Jayden, had to sit there fighting the entire way there and back, which reminds me we also didn't get back until past midnight. the next morning I woke up at five a.m. Only to go to to school where three new projects were waiting for me. then that night I made the ever so wise decision to stay up all night to completely finish one of the projects, in which had the farthest away due date. that Tuesday morning I woke up with only two hours sleep and dragged myself out of bed and into an accidentally ice cold shower. once I got to school I was reminded of a test that I had completely forgot about which took place the next day. that night I sat there studying, cramming in as much information as possible. Uggghhhh First World Problems suck!

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