chapter 4: I Am Not A Book

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the picture is of becca


I burst awake.

I am in a hospital, and bright lights shine in my eyes from above me, blinding me. At either side of the bed, I am greeted by two curious looking teenage boys, one of which was Riley, and the other one, I did not know his name, but he was the blonde boy I found in my house.

I feel disoriented. That is it. all I feel is disoriented, and I hate it. Confusion and curiosity whirl around inside of me. 'What day is it? how long was I asleep? where am I? why am I here? And, why does my side hurt? ' I internally ask myself. I rolled onto the opposite side to the one that hurt, trying to ignore the annoying stalkers that looked down on me and found a long thin tube protruding from my wrist. The I.V. Was pumping clear liquid into my body and once I was conscious of it's existence it began to violently throb and itch.

"You know, you are damn lucky the pixies got to you before us" stated Riley with a familiar smirk on his face.

'Pixies? There's no such thing. just like the tooth fairy, their not real, is this guy a lunatic?' I asked myself at the mention of the mythical creature

"you would of frozen to death if they didn't come" said the blonde boy.

"Do you enjoy watching me sleep?" I asked, disregarding their previous statements and recalling the memory of last time I saw them. A low chuckle rumbled from their chests simultaneously.

"depends on the way you look at it" Riley answered, then took a seat at the bottom of my bed.

"GET OFF MY BED" I snapped at him before he got too comfortable.

He jumped up from his spot and responded "sorry" with a stiff voice, then moved towards his friend.

"And do you also want to leave me alone? I kind of don't want to be near people who hurt my brot-" I trailed off remembering the state Jay was in when Riley dragged me out of my house "WHERE'S MY BROTHER!" I scream out suddenly.

"Whoa Rebecca! Calm down!" he said holding up his hands in defense.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down" I shrieked. I let out a throaty sound, trying to clear my airways and continued with an eerily calm voice "where is my brother, what did you do to him and what do you want from me?"

Riley audibly sighed then turned towards the blonde boy and whispered in his ear. I couldn't hear what was said between the two but after wards, the blonde left and it was just Riley and I alone in the small hospital room.

"your brother is at your house, and what you saw, we weren't trying to hurt him, we were trying to get answers out of him" he finally answered some of my questions.

"with a cloth in his mouth? I think you need to re- think your process" I responded with a 'I told you so' tone, finding a loop hole through his transparent excuse. "Now tell me the truth"

He let out a long huufff then answered again, short and simply, "he had something we needed"

"and what would that be?" I pushed, trying to question until I got more information. He stayed silent, with a look in his eyes that showed, he didn't know what to say. I raised my brows at him, signaling that I was waiting. "Well?"

He ran a stressed hand through his hair and pressed his eyes closed tightly. His body was tensed and every movement he was making proved that he was not in the mood to play twenty questions "You, now I don't want to hear another word on the topic"

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