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Chapter 1

Amelia was running. She didn't know exactly where she was going, she just knew that she had to escape, escape from them. She looked back, and saw some sort of black goo closing in on her, slowly making its way up her ankles to capture her.

She screamed, clawing at the wall of black goo that surrounded her. She ran, but there was nowhere left to go. The goo encased her into a makeshift tomb, and images flashed before her eyes. It was a man around her age, chained and screaming for someone.

The next image was a bright light and suddenly a man in a trench coat appeared, holding tightly onto the man in her other dream like a lifeline.

The next image, was a tall man standing in some sort of lab, all alone, his eyes frantically searching for something, anything. Amelia was then greeted with a white hot pain inside her head, like something had been broken.

She screamed, and collapsed to her knees. Black goo started to leak from her eyes. She screamed louder, hoping, praying someone would hear her.

Amelia woke with a start, and bolted upright. Her heart pounded loudly as she gathered her surroundings, eyes frantically searching. Her eyes adjusted, and she realized she was back in her dorm room.

She relaxed a bit. It was only a dream. Her blonde hair was slick with sweat and it clung to the back of her neck. A thin layer of sweat coated her skin, and she sighed. It felt as if she hadn't even slept.

Her nightmares were getting worse and worse each night, and she was afraid that one night, they might actually kill her. She flung off the covers and hopped out of the bed.

She crinkled her nose as she stared down at herself. She reeked, and she was badly in need of a shower. At least this time she hadn't wandered somewhere during her nightmare.

As she got into the shower, her tense muscles relaxed as she felt the hot water pound against her back, washing away any trace of her previous dream.

Suddenly, her hair felt sticky, as if something was being poured onto it. She turned, and screamed when she saw black goo slowly making its way out of her shower head.

She collapsed to the floor of the shower, head in her hands. A lump rose in her throat as the goo slowly made its way up her legs, and she felt it sucking the life force out of her. There was a knock on her door.

"Amelia?" She opened her eyes, then blinked. The black goo was gone, replaced by water. She quickly stood, trying to compose herself. Great, now she going crazy.

"Be out in a minute," She croaked. There was another knock.

"Are you okay?"

"Just peachy." A few moments later, Amelia came out of the bathroom, dressed and hair dried. Her best friend, Trent, stood there, looking at her worriedly.

Amelia had lost count of how many years they had been best friends, and he was always someone who she could rely on. She'd even given him a key to her apartment. Though, it was times like these when she regretted it.

She smiled at Trent, although it probably did nothing to stop him from seeing right through her, knowing exactly what had happened. He came over to her, staring at her intensely.

"Did it happen again?" Amelia nodded, her fake smile dropping from her face. He shook his head and rummaged around her studio apartment, grabbing her things and throwing them at her. She caught them, and put on her coat and messenger bag. He nodded at her, and grabbed her wrist, dragging her out the door.

"C'mon, you look like you need some caffeine."

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