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Chapter 2

Amelia sat down at a booth in the café as Trent went over and ordered their drinks. She sighed, and rested her head against the cool marble of the table. She was just so tired.

Lately, it seemed like that was all she had ever been. Her nightmares just kept getting worse and worse, and after a while she stopped looking forward to falling sleep. The constant nightmares left her feeling as though she had never even slept.

Trent came over with two steaming mugs and handed one over to her. The smell of caffeine woke her somewhat, and she took the mug graciously, greedily taking in its bittersweet contents.

She wouldn't normally go for coffee, but right now it seemed like the only thing that would keep her sane. She downed the cup in seconds, the hot liquid warming up her insides as she felt it travel down into her stomach. Trent looked at her, raising an eyebrow. She looked at him, bracing herself.

"So what was it about this time?" He asked. She clenched her slightly shaking hands. She looked down at the bottom of her empty mug. She always hated talking about her nightmares, but she knew she couldn't just keep pretending it wasn't happening.

"This...dream, it was unlike any I've ever had before. It felt, real, like I was reliving someone else's memories. I know it sounds crazy, but I-...I just don't know what to do anymore." Amelia said, heaving a disheartened sigh. Trent reached across the table and put a comforting hand over her shaky ones.

"It's okay. I don't exactly know what your dreams could possibly mean, but I know one thing," he said, and Amelia looked up to meet his warm, chocolate brown eyes.

"And what would that be?"

"You'll always have me around." They heard a snort from across them, and then a cough to cover it up. Amelia glanced over at the booth across from them, and went pale. Trent saw this, and glanced at the table she was looking at, then looked back over at her.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly. Amelia quickly put on her coat and bag, and stood from the table. She told Trent to do the same.

"We need to leave, now." He looked at her, startled and confused, but obeyed nonetheless. Amelia quickly turned and headed for the door as quickly as possible. This wasn't happening. Was she still dreaming? She couldn't tell. The world was spinning, and she felt sick.

Suddenly, she slammed into something, hard, and the force knocked the wind out of her. She backed up, and paled even more when she realized who she had run into.

It was the man from her recurring nightmares. He wore the same tan trench coat, his tie still hanging loosely around his neck. If there was any difference at all, he looked younger. He stared at her intensely, not blinking. Amelia felt as though she was going to vomit.

"Um, sorry, but, if...if you'll excuse me." She would have gone around him, but he was blocking the only way out of the entire cafe. He tilted his head, quizzically looking at her. Amelia's heart raced a mile a minute as she tried to reign in her thoughts. This wasn't happening. It couldn't-shouldn't have been possible.

"Uh, Cas...what are you doing?" She heard a deep gruff voice say from behind her to her left. She looked over, and grew white as a sheet. It was the other man from her dream, the one who had been chained. He put a hand on his friend's shoulder, and smiled at her. If she hadn't been close to fainting before, she sure as hell was now.

"Sorry about him. My friend here's not very used to talking to people, especially girls. Hi, I'm Dean, and this is Cas." The man that stood before her explained. Cas continued to look at Amelia.

"What are you?" He asked in a monotone, dead-serious voice. Amelia blinked when his words finally registered with her.

"Excuse me?" Amelia asked, slightly offended. Dean gave him a look, and then looked at her apologetically.

"Sorry about that. He just gets a little, out of it in the morning." She nodded, and did her best to smile, trying to ignore the fact that she was about to have a full-blown panic attack.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Amelia." She felt a hand on her shoulder, and she jumped. She looked back, and immediately relaxed when she saw that it was only Trent. He glared at the two people in front of Amelia, sensing her discomfort.

"Well if you'll excuse us, we have to get to class." He roughly pushed past Cas and Dean, dragging Amelia behind him. She gratefully followed, happy that she could finally escape. She didn't understand how she could have seen or dreamed about those two, but she didn't plan on finding out.

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