Rough Sketch

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Chapter 4

Amelia sat on a bench in the courtyard, staring off into space. She was alone now, and she had more time to collect her thoughts. After her classes, she'd managed to evade Trent and his inquiries by hiding out on this bench. She took out her leather bound journal and started sketching when her hand itched.

She would sometimes get these feelings, and she would just let her hand do most of the work. And often times she would end with a drawing she hadn't even noticed she was creating. When she realized what she had drawn, she paled, and dropped the book.

She had used up three of the pages. On the first page, it was a picture of the tall man from her nightmares, with long brown hair and hazel eyes, and he was covered in flames, burning painfully.

On the second page, it was Dean, chained and bloody. claw marks were on his shoulders, and he had a look of pure fear in his green eyes. It looked like he was calling out for someone.

The last page was what had disturbed her the most. It was Cas, and black goo dripped from his nose. he had a maniac smile on, and his electric blue eyes looked crazed. In the back, it looked as if the shadow he cast had wings.

She picked up the journal with shaky hands, making sure to shut it tightly. Why did these people keep appearing in her mind? What significance did they have? She couldn't believe that they had shown up, right in front of her very eyes. Was she still dreaming?

"Everything okay?" Amelia hadn't noticed anyone approach her. She made a small noise of surprise at the voice, and looked up. Dean stood there, hands in his jacket pockets, staring at her with curiosity, and a hint of worry.

She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and tried to smile reassuringly. Don't worry, it's not like you're  the person that has been starring in my nightmares all these years and actually standing in front of me.

"No, I...I'm fine." She replied quietly. Dean sighed, and sat on the bench besides her. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, trying to find something to say.

"Look, I'm not really good with these things. That's more my brother. But, I can tell you have a lot going on. Trust me, you shouldn't keep it all bottled up inside and pretend nothing's happening, and think it'll go away. Trust me, I've been there before." He said, and she could tell he was being earnest.

Amelia had a sudden image of him no longer being chained or tortured, rather, he was the one doing the torturing, a horrid, twisted figure behind him, egging him on. She felt a chill go down her spine. Dean sighed, not liking this awkward atmosphere.

"Look, what I'm trying to say is, you gotta let someone in, otherwise, it's going to kill you." He stated. Amelia looked at him questioningly. He seemed to speak from experience. More images flashed through her mind, and it unnerved her.

"Sorry if I'm over stepping, I mean, we did just meet. I just see part of myself-what I used to be like-in you." Amelia shrugged, noticing that it was already starting to get dark, and the courtyard was practically empty.

"It's okay, I get it. Thank you, you're right. I'll be sure to take your advice." She said, just wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. Dean looked at her as if he was apologizing for something.

"You seem like a really nice girl. I'm sorry, but it's just a precautionary measure." Dean said apologetically. Amelia tilted her head to the side, her heart slowly starting to sink as his words registered.

"What are you talking about?" She asked nervously. Suddenly, she was hit in the back of the head by a blunt force, and was knocked out cold.

Amelia slumped over, and Dean caught her in his arms, lifting her up off the bench. He glared at Castiel, who held a decent sized rock in his hand.

"You couldn't have used something else?" The angel squinted his eyes, confused.

"What else would you have had me use?" Dean rolled his eyes. Sometimes, the angel really was useless.

"Never mind. Just zap us to Sam's dorm."

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