Ch. 5 [Through the Dark]

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Haha, I know you're expecting a lot to happen in this chapter....

maybe you're right.

I think this chappie is a bit funnier and lighter than last... but judge for yourself :P


Dedicated to @CharisHenderson , thanks for all the comments and support!!!!!!

And guys, I'm having a contest! WOOHOO! So if you guys want to enter the cover contest, you have some minimal requirements:

a. You must follow/fan me :)

b. You should have read up to this point in the book

c. The cover must have "Through the Dark" and "A fanfiction by kirbykirbykitty11"

d. Bronwyn is a brunette... looks slightly like Eleanor.

e. Email me with an attached link to : or or both :)

f. Have fun with it!

love you all,


P.S. You don't know you're beautiful!


Bronwyn's POV

I tried to roll over on the soft ground but found I couldn't because A. Something was prohibiting me and B. My arm hurt.

Groaning on the soft ground, I tried to push away the arm that was snaked around my waist. It was useless. Sighing, I plopped my head back down on the pillow-

Wait a second. Pillow? Ugh, someone must have carried me to their bed! Awwkward..........

Turning over, I was about to wake them up when I noticed their face. AWWWWWWWH

I couldn't bear to wake up Niall. His face looked like a little puppy and it was so cute. But jeez, he was a snuggler. I calmly sat and stared at the ceiling, trying to just relax.

Then I remembered last night. EVERYTHING. The confessions with Liam... the fighting going on downstairs after I left....

God what a messed up night. I tried to contain the tears in my eyes to make this morning brighter for everyone else.

Frowning, I squirmed out of Niall's arms and went to the bathroom to look at myself. I nearly shrieked. I looked absolutely horrible. My face had dried tear streaks, there were bruises all over my arms, not to mention one of them was bandaged. My hair was frizzy, and I was wearing- No I was not!

What the serious frick?!? Why was I wearing Niall's shirt and boxers? We did not do anything, I was certain. Which left one thing. HE. CHANGED. ME. IN. MY. SLEEP.

He was playing with death, oho yes.

Snorting I stomped out of the bathroom and out the door of the room, heading down the stairs from the second floor and grabbing a piece of bread. Wolfing it down I laid down on the couch, away from Niall, and fell asleep.


I was gracefully awoken to someone poking me in the face. "NIALL, I SWEAR TO GAWD, IF THAT'S YOU- Oh! Hey Louis. That wasn't very nice." I pouted.

"Feeling better, I see, from your-" he coughed. "Argument last night."

I snapped. "Just leave me alone and be lucky you aren't Niall right now."

Through the Dark // 1D [PROBABLY DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now