In Between Styles and Horan

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Knock knock, the door. I closed my laptop and opened the door in my bedroom.
There he is, Niall Horan. One of the most breath taking men on earth. I cannot lie, he's quite a looker. He's also my best friend.
Niall has blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, a thick Irish accent, and is about two or three inches taller than I am.
I on the other hand, have red, curly hair, Hazel eyes, more green, British/American accent, and I stand at 5'9".
I greeted Niall with a hug and let him in, "Hey, Ni, what's up?" I smile.
He smiles back, "Well, your ceiling is up."
I laugh a little, "Dork. You know that's not what I mean."
"I'm sorry, but when you ask me a question, I answer it." He said jokingly.
"What's going on in your life. Better?" I asked Niall with a little sass.
"Well, I heard some news that I thought would be important to you. It's actually about your dad." Niall said seriously.
My smile faded away. My dad? Two years ago he left me because he's in the British Royal Navy. He sends me one letter per week. The thing that gets me nervous is that I haven't gotten one this week, but I can get it on any day of the week. I know my dad, he wouldn't leave me with my mum here. My mum isn't a character in my life because at the age of three she abandoned me with her boyfriend at the time. Luckily, he knew my dad and brought me to him. My dad raised me, taught me, helped me, fed me, kept clothes on my back, had a roof over my head, and gave me the life I deserved. When I turned ten, my dad came home with a woman. She had my eyes and hair. She knew who I was, but I had no clue who she was. From that day to two years ago, she tried to redeem herself for leaving me. Yes, they did re-marry. She stopped trying when my dad went away to be in the British Royal Navy. She broke down and can only take care of herself. So now, I'm an independent woman. Well, not really a woman, I'm nineteen.
"What about him?" I asked as if I was lifeless.
Niall wrapped me in a hug, "I saw a soldier with a red letter when I arrived, he gave me the card along with a letter and a box. I'm really sorry."
As I start to slowly wrap my arms around him, his grip tightens a little.
No. He's lying. My dad can't be dead. He can't be! Daddy's not dead! He can't leave me with a vegetable! She's better off dead anyways. She's not really a vegetable, but she's acting like it. I haven't seen her out of her bed since daddy left.
I didn't realize that I was crying until I couldn't breathe.
"H-he can't be g-gone!" I cried in Niall's shoulder.
He rubbed my back, "Kayla, he's in a better place now. I promise." He cooed.
I let go and sat down on my bed that has a zebra print bed spread and Niall sat next to me.
"Here." He said giving me the box and the letters.
Daddy always said, "Always get rid of the bad news first so you get the good news and forget the bad."

I read the red letter and it's from Captain Styles himself.

"Dear Kayla,
I'm really sorry that you have to go through this, and just so you know, my family will always be here for you. Your father, Josh Forrest, was a great man. We were overseas when North Korea thought that we were America. He was the last to go.
There was a little girl held captive with the Koreans, and she looked a lot like you. They were about to shoot her, but he moved her out of the way and got shot in the arm. He thought it was nothing until he realized that the bullet had poison in it and it went into his bloodstream. He was dead before he hit the deck. At least it was a quick death. We're sending you his belongings, and you should get them by next Monday. I'm terribly sorry, Kayla.
Captain Styles"

He always wanted to be a hero. Now he is.

My eyes watered up while reading the letter and Niall gave me another comforting hug.
Next, I opened my letter from my dad.

"My dearest Kayla,
I love you so much. The battle should be over soon, and I'll come home. Then we can play Monopoly like we always do. I can't wait to see you again, I miss you, and I think about you every single day. See you soon!

As soon as I saw his handwriting, I cried. I can't believe that he's gone and out of my life. Forever.

I opened the box and I see drops of water hit the box. Bloop, pop, bloop. I'm crying and the box isn't even fully open yet.
I open it, and I start to hyperventilate. I'm gasping for air, but I can't find any. It feels as if I'm drowning.
"Kayla. Kayla! C'mon, breathe!" Niall told me and even did the whole breathe in and breathe out gesture but nothing happened.
I felt light headed, and then my eyes closed and I was kissing someone?
Niall pulled away a few seconds after I kissed back.
"What was that for?" I asked him.
"I once read that to give air to someone that's still awake is to kiss them. It was my last choice, so I had to try it." Niall stated simply.
"Thanks." I smile.
"You're welcome." Niall smiled back.
I have to talk to Harry.
You don't know him? Harry Styles? Wow, then you don't know the most attractive man on earth then. Well almost man. He's nineteen years old. He has brown, curly hair, emerald green eyes, a deep British accent, and stands at 6'3".
He's also just like a brother to me. I've known him since I was born, literally. Our fathers were really good friends, and when I was born, my dad wanted me to have a friend that I can say "I've known him since I was born" and tell the truth. So Harry was brought to the hospital when I was born and now we tell each other everything and we're always there for each other. One thing that I don't understand is why Niall doesn't like Harry, and Harry doesn't like Niall. It confuses me because they have so much in common.
That's probably why they hate each other, they probably feel like their talking to themselves.
I have to see Harry. But how do I tell Niall? I don't want to make him feel like I like Harry more. In which I don't. I like Niall more, but I love Harry more. It's complicated.
"Niall, I-" the doorbell cut me off.
"Don't get it, he's going to make everything worse." Niall mumbled something, but I couldn't hear him that well.
I got the door with Niall right behind me.
"Harry!" I embraced him into a hug.
Sparks. More like fireworks. I love this feeling. I only get it with him. No one else.
"How are you, babe?" Harry asked.
We let go, "I've been way better. But I guess I'll be fine."
Harry gave me the look that he usually gives me when I'm either lying or hiding something.
"Babe," when Harry said it, Niall pushed himself past me and threw a punch at Harry, but Harry caught it.
"Think before you decide to throw a punch someone who has been boxing for seven years." Harry said coldly, and twisted Niall's arm behind his back, making Niall wince.
"Think before you try to break my arm." Niall said weakly.
Niall kicked Harry in the gut. He obviously missed his target, but it still made Harry let go.
Harry didn't wince or hesitate to throw a punch at Niall's face, hitting him in the eye.
"Guys stop!" I yell at them, but they won't stop fighting.
I'm an idiot, but I have to make the fight stop. I went in between them and Niall's fist didn't slow down or stop. I covered my face, waiting for the fist, but it never comes. I look and see that Harry's hand stopped Niall's punch from hitting me.
"Kayla, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean t-" Niall got cut off by Harry.
"You didn't even bother to stop once you saw her! I stopped from punching her, and I stopped you from punching her!" Harry was angry.
His voice is deeper and he knows that he's scaring me.
He also knows that I hate it. He used to always take care if my bullies with that voice.
"H-Harry?" I stuttered and watched at his angry expression fade into a soft expression.

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