Unknown emotion

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Suddenly his hand shot out and closed in a vice like grip around Esme's throat. The crazed look in his eyes terrified me as his grip became tighter and tighter and Esme's breath was stopped. She fought back instinctively terrified about what was on the other side. "It's all up to you now Rosaline. Are you coming with me, or do want me to kill your sister?" He said, a malicious grin on his face.


"NO! Let Esme go! I'll go with you!" I shouted, afraid that he would inflict more harm on Esme. "Just don't hurt her." I mumbled as he released her. I rushed to her side, worried about her well-being. "She's fine." He remarked. I turned to look at him.

"How is she fine? You were just strangling her a few seconds ago." I screamed, too angry to mind my manners. He just looked at me as if I didn't say anything. Huffing in annoyance, I stormed out of the room into the lounge. My brothers and two younger sisters were there waiting for us.

Tobias came up to me cautiously. He has rarely seen me angry. There are few people who can get under my skin that easily. I breathed in and out while I counted to ten. When I was young, I used to have anger issues. With the help and support of my parents and siblings, I tamed it over the years.

I felt that just a few minutes with him, and all of it was coming back. "Yes brother?" I asked in the calmest tone I could master at that moment. "Who was chosen?" He asked. I was just about to answer when Jaxton walked into the lounge.

"Hurry along to pack your bags Princess. We'll be leaving in a moment." Nixton immediately got up and let out an inhumane growl. "It's fine Nixy, I have to go with him. He almost killed Esme." I said walking towards my room to do as he said.

I just stuffed a few of my favourite clothing into a duffel bag and headed out. Not before I changed into more comfortable clothing. Was I really leaving?

When I walked back to the lounge, I noticed that everyone was waiting with faces of worry, and hatred for a certain someone. They were so concerned about that that they didn't even notice my presence at first. Jasper and Avagril, who were four and two respectively, came forward and hugged both of my legs.

They looked up at me with watery eyes. "Are ywe leaving us?"Jasper asked, clinging on even tighter to me. My features softened and I bent down to stroke both or their heads with upmost gentleness. "It's okay. I'll be back soon."

Nixton and Travis pried them from my legs with them kicking and screaming. Jaxton didn't seem affected at all by the sight of screaming children. I guess after killing so many innocent people, It had no affect him at all.

Although I did see some unknown emotion flicker through his eyes, it disappeared as soon as it appeared. I couldn't dwell on it as he grabbed my arm and manhandled me all the way to his car and tossed me in. That was no way to treat a princess!

He got into the other side and started driving right away. The speed we were moving me startled me so much that I immediately fell back onto the seat. "Where are your guards?" I asked, a attempt to start a conversation.

"They're heading back." And the conversation went dead. The weird thing was, I didn't see a second car when we were at the main door. I guess they have their own weird ways of ... some stuff.

"Are we there yet?" I asked after what felt like an eternity. His grip on the steering wheel tightened. His head whipped to face mine. I had an innocent look as I stared at him. "You're Illyrian! You should understand that we have very short tempers and I will not tolerate you whining like a five year old child!"

The car was then filled with awkward silence. My mind fell back to something he said that I didn't understand. "What is an Illyrian?" I asked slowly. Jaxton burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. "What's so funny?" I asked genuinely confused.

"You live in a world of horror and unexplainable things." He paused while laughing again. "You might be young but I expected you to at least know what you are!" I tried to process his words. I...am? What exactly am I?


I finally updated! I won't be updating as much anymore bcuz school's reopening and I have this super important exam that is coming up and I really have to prepare! Look out for the next update.I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Stay awesome!

 Stay awesome!

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