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I have an amazing cover did by @ZAYNGELBAE!!

I have an amazing cover did by @ZAYNGELBAE!!

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It's wonderful, am I right... Please go and follow her! She also has a few amazing books that you guys can check out (>3>) @ZAYNGELBAE

 Please go and follow her! She also has a few amazing books that you guys can check out (>3>) @ZAYNGELBAE

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"What are mates?" I sneakily slipped the question into our conversation. "Well, they are kind of like what humans call soulmates. " She thought about for a little longer. "When you mention the word "soulmate" to a group of humans and you're bound to get a few eye rolls. The idea that there's one magical person for you who you'll fall in love with instantly and never disagree with is just not realistic.What does exist - at least for many people - is a person who you know instinctively, who you connect with on the deepest level and who allows you to grow as a person within the relationship. When that person is a romantic partner, you've come across something truly special. That was what I felt." Oh so Claire has one of these 'mates'.

"We can communicate without speaking, and read each other like an open book." She added later on. Sighing, I huffed out. What the hell is she, or Jaxton. No one will tell me. That only make me more curious.

Round 1

"Jaxton, what are you?" Being ignored, I walked in front of him. "I'm not telling you."

Fine, He wins this round. I'm not giving up that easily, I'm just feeling a little hungry.

Round 2

"Jaxy~" He cringed but looked up to meet my eyes. I slipped it off as he gapped at me. "I'll give you this ice cream if you tell me what being you are." He snorted and continued with his paperwork. But this is a perfectly good stick of ice cream.

Fine! I'll eat it myself. It's his loss, not mine. Taking it whole, I walked aimlessly around the castle with nothing better to do. Coming across a room that beheld mystery, I cautiously opened the creaking doors.

It was to my surprise, a library!

They are

A location of intelligence...

A place of hidden wonders...

Four corners filled with unmeasurable knowledge...

A door to other worlds...

A place of books...

A resource...

A portal...

Staring in awe at the gold vines creeping up the walls. I-I could stay here forever, never ending shelves of books. I looked along the books on the shelf, there it was, the black shiny leather looked well kept. It was fatter than the others and stood a good couple of inches higher. As soon as I touched it I knew it held secrets of unknown things. I pulled it from between its neighbours. The leather had a surprisingly smooth feel, for such a hard object. The pages fell open in my hand, there was just a hint of foxing towards the edges of the pages, and a faint scented musty smell touched my nostrils.

The first page surprised me.


Commonly mistaken as a werewolf, the Lycan is a more advanced species that, unlike the werewolf, can for the most part control their transformations. A werewolf can only change under the full moon, and cannot control that. The same can be said for Lycans, however they are also able to transform at any given time, wether under a full moon or not, should the need arise. They have been loyaly serving beside the three gods of the circle. They should not be provoked under circumstances. Failure can be fatal and result in death.The only way to fully kill a lycan is by tearing off its head and burning it. Without them, they will be lost and lie down to die.

That to my surprise, did not scare me. I knew that Jaxton was ten times more dangerous though I did nit know exactly what he was. Wanting to find out soon, I continued.


The Sirens are called the Muses of the lower world. Their song, though irresistibly sweet, was no less sad than sweet, and lapped both body and soul in a fatal lethargy, the forerunner of death and corruption. Their song is continually calling on them. The term "siren song" refers to an appeal that is hard to resist but that, if heeded, will lead to a bad conclusion. Sirens are, beautiful creatures that are thought to lure men to their deaths. They are horribly mistaken as siren only sing to lure their mates in. The males, await for the call that will entice to find the owner, and therefore creating the bond that is unbreakable.

The Promised Queen

A girl will be born every two hundred centuries. One of great power and will. She will be brave and strong, knowing how to save her people. She, shall be brought up, away from the truth. On her eighteen birthday, the truth shall be revealed to her. Her mate will come and claim her on the slientio season and teach her. He shall be the most powerful one of all. One who will soon rule the circle and shall protect her until she is ready. She will save our people. For she is the queen who promised-

"What are you doing!" Jumping, I slammed the book shut and tried to hid it behind me. For the first time, I was truly scared. He was furious with me. His eyes were a knife in my ribs, the sharp point digging deeper. Where there had been love was an emptiness, but not in any vulnerable sense. Uncomfortable with the void, he had filled it with an emotion he was more at ease with - raw anger.

The unmoving gaze was accompanied by deliberate slow breathing, like he was fighting something back and loosing. someone looks at you like that, eyes holding total anger, it hurts; but when that someone holds your heart in their hand it kills. Even if you deserve it, sometimes especially if you do, the loss is a fine pair of concrete boots and your own soul is a cold river.

"Get out." He did through clenched teeth. When I didn't move, he shouted once again at me. "Get out!" My body finally responded and I ran. "I hate you!" Those were my last words, as I ran as far as my legs could carry me, hopefully far, far away from that monster.

I knew I was wrong. But hey, we all can be bitches sometimes.






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