Chapter 1, (So Happy)

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Skya bounded up and down the deserted halls of the C.A.F.S., so eager and excited that she felt she would explode at any moment. She fluttered her sea blue wings and lunged upwards, and performed a wide loop in the air.

She was never this happy, sure she was always at least content, but today she was overjoyed at the thought of going on an important mission with him. She sighed. She dreamed of this moment, to go on an adventure with her one true love.

But, most of all, she didn't think that Master Valcon trusted her that much, to go on this super secret, super important, and super epic mission. But apparently, he said on the meeting that he actually invited her to, he trusted her like a father to his daughter. She didn't know who her father was, but as far as she knew, and as far as he told her, she was an orphan, and he adopted her, and that was all she needed to know.

But, he never told her anything else, like where he found her, or who she was with, or if there was any way that her parents were still alive.

Skya hovered downwards, and slowly touched back down onto the ground. She was in  her human form, but she was still half bird, with her wings and tail and her feathers for hair.

She was wearing a light, ruffled, white dress to celebrate the occasion. She thought that it went well with her blue feathers.

She started to walk back down the off-white hallways that were usually deserted, but today they weren't, because today was a very special day. Today, was the day, that they were going on the super important mission. "Subjects," and scientists started to gather in the hallways. It actually looked busy at the C.A.F.S. for once.

She noticed that Master Valcon was stomping slowly down the hallways, with a stone cold look on his face. He was wearing the mask that he always wore. He never took that mask off. Skya wondered what he was hiding underneath the mask. As he walked, everyone quickly got out of his way, because they all knew the consequences of getting in the master's way. But she was a young girl, who never appreciated the fact that violence is the only way that you really get what you want. At least, that's what he told her, during the very few times that he actually bothered to talk to her.

She slowly approached him, wondering if he was in a good enough mood to ask him a question.

"So, when are we going to leave?" Skya asked with great fear, "I just wanted to know when we should start packing to go."

"They'll be an announcement telling everyone that is going, on the intercom," he replied, impatiently, in his deep voice, "Then you must start packing to depart on your journey."

"OK, I was just wondering," she managed to get out before he stomped off again.

She decided to go back to her room, and start packing anyway, just in case. She skipped down the crowded hallway, and into her room.

Her room was completely sea blue with white furniture, like her bed, her dresser, and her desk for studying and planning. It was a fairly ordinary room, like any other room of a person who was obsessed with the colours blue and white.

She had one thing about her room that wasn't normal, though. She got down on her knees, bent over, and pulled out a large, plastic briefcase with a lock on it. She took out a small key that was strung around her neck inside a locket, and unlocked the briefcase. She slowly creaked it open.

Inside, were pictures and information and notebooks. All about Connas.

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