No More

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Llok's point of view

  "Where will you go? Your friends won't take you back after the stunt you pulled, and if you go back to your family its only a matter of time before that vision becomes a reality."  

His words rang in my ears, part of me didn't want to believe him but I knew he was right. I staggered forward, for the 2nd time today a massive headache throbbed in my skull. The sound of the rain became muffled and water ran into my eyes, I turned and saw Redus cross his arms, with his lips in a twisted smirk. 

"Stop it!" I hollered "Stop!" 
I threw my hands out and forced him backwards, his lightsaber fell from his belt and rolled to the edge of the platform, teetering for a minute,  threatening to fall. The nautolan reached out for his weapon but i was quicker. It shot into my hand, and hummed as I flipped the switch. The crystal glowed in its core and the saber pulsed, Redus lay on the ground, Our gazes met and I saw not fear in his eyes, but challenge. I stepped toward him and held it against his throat, the light; like in my visions illuminated his face, and cast shadows across his hollow cheeks and hazy eyes. "Go ahead Asen" He remained unphased despite our position. "Kill me if it makes you feel better, but know, that you will never be able to return to your friends or family without me, you will become a fugitive, spend the rest of your life running from the law, and become the disappointment you wanted so desperately to prove you weren't. "

I stared at him for a long while, my knuckles were white with how hard I was gripping the saber. 

My strength faltered and Redus noticed, he took the advantage. His rings glowed, he waved his hands and i felt myself become rooted to the ground. I couldn't move  and the world seem to close in around me. He stood him up and tore the saber from my hand. My eyes; the only thing still able to move, followed him as he walked around me, the weapon turned off and he clipped it back on to his robe. He looked up with his large hazy eyes and wrapped his pale hand into the fabric of my shirt. He pulled me closer and growled next to my ear "Now, my padawan you will respect me if you value your life. You are weak, and you proved that in the way you hesitated to kill me. I will train you, raise you and bring you up the way i was taught so that you no longer know fear. You're anger will became your drive and you will not know failure, nor regret"

He let go and roughly tossed me the ground. My face burned as my hair slapped against my cheeks and eyes, I looked up through the dripping wet strands that hung in my face, supporting myself on my elbows, not even able to muster enough strength to glare, it felt as if everything had been drained. 

he commanded me simply. 
and i did. 
"Now come, we begin immediately"


Zeya's point of view

It seemed that Asen Llok has disappeared off the star maps. 
We searched for months and no one had leads on the mandolorian, And nothing on the nautolan he had gone to find. In my head, something kept telling me to give up, return to life with Sha'tan as it had been before we met him, as he was presumably dead...or worse. But the twi'lek woman i loved had not failed to restore my fate every time i doubted us. 
"He will not return to us on his own" she would tell me...
"But we will find him" 

I sat in his bunk; toying with the saber he had left behind. I laughed softly and shook my head as I ran my hand over the many scuff marks and dents. "Careless as always" 
The night he left replayed in front of me...I shouldn't have gotten involved...he wouldn't have left and Sha'tan would never have gotten hurt.
Br-3 leaned against my leg, he beeped comfortingly. He may be a droid but he had feelings like the rest of us, and he missed his friend. 
I pat him on the head and sighed. He made a trilling sound and retracted his legs, leaving him just metal ball of contentment. 

The cockpit hissed open, Sha'tan entered the main part of the ship, wearing a silk top cut just above her stomach, the sleeves fell off her shoulders, and a long skirt flowed behind her. It was nice to see her without her normal attire once in a while. She even had the straps off her lekku. She paced back and forth, not acknowledging my presence nor her droid's. I could hear her muttering to herself in Ryl. 
"Sha'tan..." I called to her softly 
She didn't seem to hear me so I repeated my self louder.

She turned around and shouted, but her expression softened when she realized it was me. 
"I'm sorry-" 

"Its alright" 
She stepped closer to me, her lekku swaying as she did. "No one has seen him, no one has any leads, he's just...gone" 
She sat down beside me and layed her head on my shoulder. "What if he doesn't want to be found, Zeya?" She stared up at me desperately with grief in her eyes, waiting as if i had an answer, but honestly I didn't. 

Seeing her this way, drowning in her own doubt, unable to was hard. She had stopped taking jobs shortly after her injury; she had no motivation to work, no amount of money could equal the loss of her friend. And now she lacked the confidence that he was still out there.


She broke the silence. "That idiot...." 
"Sha'tan...if Llok doesn't want to be found theres nothing we can do..."
"Are you suggesting we leave him out there! You said yourself there's a chance he's training with a sith!" She bared her fangs in disbelief.
"We don't know how powerful he is! He messed with Llok's head just by talking to him, what if he hurts you!"
"I don't care, Zeya! This isn't about me!"
"I cant..." i trailed off 
"Can't what?" She scoffed 

"I can't lose you too!"

(Holy fuck guys i'm a bad person its been way too long since my last update! What like december!? Im SOOO sorry! I refuse to leave this story unfinished tho! So you will see it through! If you're still here then thank you so much for staying! And please look forward to the future! BTW 
 Ekeosur means idiot lol

Sorry for the Sha'Zam feels there at the end, i just love breaking my children! XD Oooh my inter-spacial, inter-racial gays. I love you so, and Llok to, the coming chapters are pretty dark and gloomy for him, i warn you.... ALSO credit to HawaiigrlPieDj for the image for this chapter she made the edit
Till next time, Clone <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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