Losing Control

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Sha'tans point of view 

When i woke up, I was immediately met with a searing pain in my wrist. I looked up at the blurry image of a medical droid hovering above me. "Oh...it look likes you've woken up too early." it announced. " I don't want to endanger you with another dose of sedative...oh well i'm almost finished, please try to hold on" He picked up a sharp tool from the table and continued his work, causing another wave of incredible discomfort. "What the hell are you doing?" I choked out.
"I am attaching your nerves to your replacement limb. Though it might be more painful than usual, looking at the severity of the damage"
I glanced down at the black metal prosthetic...the cauterized flesh from the saber wound still visible....

Hot, salty, tears involuntarily spilled down my cheeks as i remembered what happened. The anger that forced Llok's actions faded as soon as he saw what he had done; and then he was gone. I fell unconscious after that. The last thing i saw was Zeya's face.
"Zeya!" I shouted, when I realized the short red headed woman was no where to be seen. "Your friend is required to wait outside until this procedure in completed...so if you'll sit still"
The droid put his cold metal hand on my head and keep me from moving and began reattaching my nerves once again.

After another half hour of being subjugated to that torture, I was released from the operating room. The door hissed open just as i sat up and a familiar face ran towards me. "Sha'tan!"
Zeya's blue eyes gleamed with relief when she saw me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she hugged me tightly "I'm so sorry..."
I hugged her back, and couldn't help but smile..."It's gonna take more than Ass-en's temper tantrum to take me down".
Her expression immediately made me regret my words. "He's gone, Sha'tan."
"We'll find him" I told her quietly, but she didn't look too confident.
"He's going to find Redus, that idiots gone and its my fault!"
"No its not!" I snapped; She flinched at my tone.

I sighed and brought my hand up to her face to stroke her cheek, but i froze at the sight of the metallic limb. "I..its not-" i stammered and struggled to comfort her, but i couldn't get the words out. She took my 'hand' in her own and nuzzled into it. "It's ok..."
"Zeya" I sighed meeting her gaze "Llok may be a dork, and childish at times, but he's smart...and someone is just using that against him. But in the end he'll make the right choice.
We'll bring him back, Love...I promise"

Llok's point of view

Rain pelted my face as i walked, occasionally lightning lit up the sky, and the platform beneath me rocked as waves slammed it's support beams below. A headache began to wash over me, and it quickly got worse, I knew i was close but my robe was now soaked and it offered no protection from the weather, i was starting to shiver.
And then all at once my headache seemed to overcome me and i fell to the ground. I entangled my hands in my hair, and roared as my head throbbed. "Redus!" 
My vision started to blur, and blood was pounding in my ears, it was worse than anything i had experienced before. 
I slammed my fists on the ground repeatedly, splashing icey water and blood on to myself but i didn't care, i honestly thought I was going to die if it continued any longer, i just wanted it to stop...In the distance i thought i saw the figures of people standing around, watching me suffer. 
One of them, turned their heads and pointed towards me. But none of them moved. 
Anger surged through me. I forced my self up and tried to walk towards them but i stumbled and fell. Every move felt like I swimming through needles, but I struggled and fought my way to them. Upon reaching the three of them i noticed that they were young kaminoans, no older than 16. They backed into each other as i drew closer. "W- what do you want?" the one in the middle stammered. 

"Redus Lo" I barked "Where is he?"
They stepped away, some part of me, relished in their fear. 
"We don't know who that is!" 
I peered through my wet hair, that hung in my face, one of the other kids pointed again and squeaked in fear "Look at his eyes!"
The oldest looking of the three pulled a small blaster pistol from his robes and aimed it shakily at my head. 
I chuckled darkly "Do it kid" 
Within seconds I had brought the weapon into my own grasp and aimed it at them. All of them turn to flee, they ran down the platform and there was a single shot, before the gun was thrown from me. 

"Wastes of breath those three....but they don't need to be a waste of ammo" a hand rested upon my shoulder and that voice was the raspy voice, laced with an accent that had found me all that time ago. "Asen...you've finally come to me" 

I whipped around and cursed as my sopping hair stung against my cheeks. "You! What did you do to me!?"
"Do to you? ...I don't know what you mean?"
"Back on Tatooine about needing an apprentice! The agonizing headaches and sickening visions of myself hurting everyone close to me! It was you!"
Redus smirked, his foggy eyes rested upon me, calmly. "My padawan..."
"Don't call me that!" i growled. 
He spun around, ignoring the venomous glare i shot at him. 
"Asen...I didn't do anything to you, I simply acknowledged your potential...the headaches and visions you speak of, I have been experiencing them too, and I simply believe it is your path being layed out before you"

I threw my cloak to the ground and stared at him in disbelief. "My path? You think its "layed out for me" to murder my family? My friends!"
"Thats how it looks to me...you had no issue killing those three children. Had i not been here they would have been dead because of you." He paused and stared at his rings "You must learn to control your anger, Asen. Use it to benefit you"
"You know maybe Zeya was right!" I snapped
"Maybe you are just a sith!"

"Maybe I am" He laughed
"Maybe I'm not...But with the road you're going down, Zeya won't continue to teach you. No one will. Except me."

"I don't need you!" I screamed back 

"Where will you go? Your friends won't take you back after the stunt you pulled, and if you go back to your family its only a matter of time before that vision becomes a reality."

(A/N: AHHHHH! Finally! I havent updated in a month! And now we have 200 something reads!? That's amazing Tysm!!!!! 
I feel like this chapter has been the best so far, not only because we get some Sha'zam (Sha'tan x Zeya) cuddles but also because Llok and Redus finally meet up again! And Redus is such a smug little shit i love him. I will admit i was going back and forth with myself to have Llok actually kill those little kamioan kids, but i felt like that would be too extreme so they get to live for now lol. I feel so bad for Asen, rn honestly he's my child and i have to write him going through all this and both physically and mentally breaking him! The struggle of ocs! 
Anyway thank again for getting this book this far and i hope you'll stick with it to see the end! Also if you get time check out my extra chapter "Disapointment" to really get to meet Rossia and Bael!
Till next time

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