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_jungkooks p.o.v_

and there i was, leaving to go to seoul, leaving my friends, and most importantly my boyfriend.. ex boyfriend? it hurts to think about it, i got off the train and headed to a direction of a hotel, when i seen him..
no it's for the best, i can't let him see me.. who is he with? my curiosity got the best of me and i took a little peek, yoongi what are you doing, your gonna get yourself hurt!! i sat there stunned to see jimin? why did he go with yoongi and more importantly why is he here period?
he's going to mess my plans up... i need to lay low, he my notice me around if i'm not careful, i walked away pulling my hood on my jacket up covering my head as i walked to a hotel.. "daydreaming" that was the name of the hotel, i couldn't just live in a motel, that's just nasty.. ew..

"excuse me ma'am i'd like a room please" i said grabbing her attention politely

"okay sir, just one bed?" she asked

"indeed, just me" i said holding my luggage

"okay room 309 is available" she said handing me the key

"okay how much for a month?" i asked

"let me add it up real quick, oh and a question, do you want any room service?" she asked

"no, no room service" i answered

"okay well, your total would be one hundred and fifty dollars" she said

"okay, here you go" i said pulling out the money and handing it to her

"thank you sir, need any help with that?" she said looking at my things

i bowed to her politely and walked to the elevator carrying my things, and i seen yoongi again with jimin oh no, my heart started racing, beating in my ears, i quickly clicked the button anticipating the door to close already, i waited and waited for it seemed like forever and the doors finally closed.. that was very close, they could have caught me.. the elevator opened and i kindly ran to my door opening it fast and closing it quickly behind me, safe.. for now..

"room service!" a man called from my hotel door, wait.. i said no room service, this isn't a worker ..

"hello?" he called again beating on the door, my heart started to face once more and i quickly looked through the peep hole in the door.. it was kieoa, i heard mumbling and soon kieoa was gone..

why is he here? what did i do wrong? why is he following me? is he going to punish me again? is this real? my head felt like it was on fire, i eventually stopped thinking and took a shower, i can't beleive what is happening right now.. this is unusual, my old life seems to be coming back, except i am running instead of fighting.. should i go back to the me i was before? i agreed with myself.. indeed to keep myself safe, i'll have to be the real me..



"what the hell do you want" i spat at the older

"i want you to finish what you started jungkook" he said

i gave him a death stare, did he know what he was getting himself into?

"i never show mercy in the end" i chuckled

"i know but i need it to be done, i'll pay you extra" he said looking frightened

"mm, okay who is it this time tioana?" i asked impatiently

"rahia, i know you like him and all, but i am your employer so you do as i ask.." he trailed off looking into my eyes

"he knows too much, doesn't he?" i asked lifting myself up from the chair

"yes, exactly why i need you to take care of him.." he replied

"yeah, yeah what exactly do you need me to do? torture, or blunt" i asked picking up my gun and fiddling with it

"be blunt, he doesn't need to be tortured" he said as he walked away

"better have my money "boss" or the next person i take care of will be you" i said getting up and walking out the door, where is he..

"oh hey jungkook!" rahia said waving

"hey, can we talk" i said trying to hid my weapon

"sure what's up?" he said coming towards me

"come in here" i said motioning towards the back of the ally

"umm..okay but why here?" he said waking slower

"i don't want anyone to hear.." i said

"okay i'm here" he answered

i whispered in his ear "forgive me"  and i brought the gun up and pulled the trigger BOOM, he fell to the ground, i cleaned up the mess and went back to the hit out

"where's my money luwang?" i asked

"right here" he said throwing me the bag "you really are heartless aren't you jungkook?"

"obviously none of your concern" i said bluntly walking out of the warehouse

××end of flashback××

how could i possibly be that person again?... he's always been inside of me, i just need to embrace it, that's what my next move will be, i will finish this once and for all, he will not win! i can't allow him to beat me and hurt yoongi! this is my last deed as the new jungkook, old me, old past jeriko better not let me down or so help me he'll never see the end of it..

i dialed a number on my phone and let it ring... he answered

"oh, hello it's jeriko speaking" he sang happily

"jeriko, it's me jungkook, i want to come back, but remember how i am, so don't even think about playing me" i said bluntly

"j- jungkook? long.. time no speak?" he sounded frightened

i chuckled "i am back and better than ever jeriko get the men and meet me at the old warehouse where we stayed i'll meet you there, oh and jeriko?" i said

"yes jungkook?" he answered

"tick tock, don't make me wait" i said coldly before i hung the phone up

it's for the best..

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