The Diamond Ring

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The following morning I lay in bed until I heard him wake up, his breathing pattern always changed when he woke up it increased. Weirdly enough, this time as he awoke his breathing pattern was different, it was almost as if he was struggling for his breath... Like it was a challenge. His eyes flickered, first they were so wide that his pupils had to stop dilating before they came into focus.

"Mia..?" I heard him whisper, I sat up straight as opposed to how I was leaning against the head board.

"Yeah, Im here...'' He tried to smile, but only managed to lift the one corner of his lips. "So do you remember what happened last night?" I asked, trying not to sound too pushy, he looked up at me and then diverted his eyes so he was looking down at his thumbs.

"Mia, will you do one thing?" His voice croaked. I immediately responded,

"Yeah? What's up?" He chuckled lightly, I tucked my brunette hair behind my ears.

"The sky" he said quietly, I tried to laugh at his silly joke but all I could manage was tears, a tear rolled down my cheek onto his chest. He looked at me seriously. "Ok, lets stop fooling around, will you do one thing for me?" He asked, grunting as he tried to prop himself up on his elbows.

"Sure, you name it!" I exclaimed, he gave up trying and lay still.

"Don't ask about last night" I scoffed.

"Jay, you've been battered black and blue-"

"Please?" He looked up at me with his chocolate brown eyes which made me melt. I sighed,

"Why?" I asked

"Thanks" he said, he rolled over and pulled the duvet up and over his head, shunning himself from the rest of the world. I didn't know what to do next, so I walked down the stairs and made myself a cup of sugary tea- I was in desperate need of a sugar kick.


I remember them asking me... If he did or said anything weird or unusual, I had to bear with the fact that I stood by and let him get beaten up regularly and not say a word...


For a week I had to cope with him getting silently beaten and me standing by silently witnessing. The worst thing was that it was becoming a regular thing, Id expect him to come home limping and winded. He would stumble up the stairs and into bed, not letting me clean him up either. I even thought about leaving him, it would've been so easy and simple too. During the day whilst he was out I'd pack, when he arrived home and fell asleep Id slip into the night and he wouldn't even know until morning. But I couldn't bring myself too it, I became overwhelmed by the guilt. I remember sitting on the sofa one day, left twiddling my thumbs. I couldn't eat anything, my stomach wouldn't keep the food down. I swore Id never end up this way, when I witnessed my mother being brutally beaten up by my father I swore to never end up this way. But now I was just as good as, sat waiting anxiously for their arrival. Instead, rather than dreading their arrival I was eagerly awaiting upon it. The following evening Jay arrived particularly early, he came home at his usual time around 6. When he came home there were no fresh wounds, but rather only the faint scars of the recent days.

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