Version I Ending

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“I’m sorry, Torquil, but this is to save the world.” Deyanira tells Torquil—the sacrifice—as she finishes tying him to a wooden post. Lieta had finished setting up the ritual to sacrifice “the one whom loves Deyanira” to the gods. Torquil just happened to be the one that loved Deyanira and therefore must be the sacrifice.

“I-it’s okay…” Torquil said, “I understand. Someone must die in order to save everyone else.

Deyanira smiled, “I’m sorry it has to be you—I’m also sorry that I never really gave you much of a chance.” Deyanira stood on her tiptoes and gave Torquil a quick kiss, “There, now you can die happy.”

Torquil smiled, “I definitely will. If I could hug you right now, I would.”

Deyanira chuckled and walked over to the element candle she had been assigned to—fire.

“Everyone ready?” Lieta asked.

“I’m ready to get this over with.” Deyanira said.

“I guess I’m ready…” Aubrey said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Let’s just do this, Lieta.” Andy said.

Lieta nodded and began to recite the incantation:

One whom loves Deyanira,

One whom saves us all,

With this sacrifice,

May the gods save us,

And stop the timebomb,

On Deyanira’s arm.

Lieta nodded towards Deyanira. It was her cue to Start lighting the fire.

One whom loves Deyanira,

Deyanira took out her lighter.

One whom saves us all,

Deyanira took a step towards Torquil.

With this sacrifice,

Deyanira gulped as she took two more steps.

May the gods save us,

Deyanira was right behind Torquil.

And stop the timebomb,

Deyanira lit her lighter.

On Deyanira’s arm.

Deyanira held the flame right by Torquil’s pants.

One whom loves Deyanira,

Torquil’s pants caught on fire.

One whom saves us all,

Torquil screamed from the pain.

With this sacrifice,

Deyanira backed away from Torquil’s burning, screaming body.

May the gods save us,

Tears began to flood from Deyanira’s eyes.

And stop the timebomb,

Deyanira got back to her candle and stood still.

On Deyanira’s arm.

Lieta finished chanting and the only thing left to hear was the sound of Torquil screaming as he was burned alive.


“I can’t believe we did that…” Deyanira said as she rubbed her arm that was now free of the timer of the bomb, “We burned him alive.”

“I know, but it had to be done.” Lieta said.

“L-let’s just finish h-hiding the evidence of the b-burning…” Aubrey sobbed.

“Okay…” Deyanira said.

“Oh, and by the way Deyanira,” Lieta said, “Happy birthday. When we finish with this, what would you like to do first this year?”

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