Version M Ending

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“You’re rather quick at this magic, Lieta.” Zaviera complimented after Lieta finished temporarily solidifying her arms.

“Thanks, Zaviera.” Lieta said with a smile.

“Bye, Deyanira.” Aubrey said as a tear rolled down her cheeks.”

“Bye, Aubrey.” Deyanira said as she hugged her friend.

“I’ll miss you, Deyanira.” Lieta said as Deyanira released Aubrey.

“I’ll miss you too, Lieta.” Deyanira hugged Lieta.

When she let go of Lieta, Deyanira turned towards Andy and opened her arms.

Andy half smiled and hugged Deyanira.

“Don’t hurt Lieta,” Deyanira whispered into Andy’s ear, “If you do I might just have to pull a Zaviera and hurt you.”

Andy chuckled, “I won’t—you know how I feel about her.”

“Good.” Deyanira said as she released Andy.

“Are you ready, Deyanira?” Zaviera asked.

Deyanira looked around, “I’m as ready as I’m going to be.” Deyanira walked over to Zaviera who immediately picked her up.

Zaviera began to float upwards at an astonishing speed.

“Go to sleep, Deyanira.” Zaviera said.

As if the words triggered it, Deyanira yawned and said, “Okay…” Deyanira closed her eyes and felt slumber come upon her immediately.

Zaviera smiled as she sped up and pierced Earth’s atmosphere. Once she got into space, she could feel Deyanira die from the lack of oxygen.

Deyanira didn’t feel a thing.

“In a couple of minutes we’ll be to a piece of Abiit,” Zaviera said to Deyanira’s dead body, “Once we get there you can explode whenever you’re ready.

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