Version Q Ending

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“The portal’s open.” Zaviera said as she looked at Deyanira. The portal was to an alternate reality in which Deyanira, Lieta, Aubrey, Andy nor anyone else on Earth existed—it was where they were sending Deyanira so that she would be unable to harm anyone she knew.

“You ready, Deyanira?” Lieta asked, “Or do you want to go through the goodbyes once again?”

Deyanira sighed, “No, I’m ready.” Deyanira turned towards the portal and took a deep breath. She hesitantly strolled over to the opening in fabric of time and space. She took another deep breath and rested her hand on the edge of the portal. With a quick, “I’ll miss you guys” over her shoulder, Deyanira dived in the portal.


Deyanira woke up in a field. She sat up and looked around It looked just like the field she’d just left—only emptier. This field didn’t have her friends. Deyanira stood up and looked at her arm to see how much longer until this world was to be annihilated, but…

It’s gone!” Deyanira exclaimed to herself, “The timer is gone!

And she was right. The timer was gone. When she had transported through the portal it had chemically changed her composition to match up with those of this reality therefore erasing the bomb from existence. She was safe. Everyone was safe.

There was just one problem.

“I can go home now!” Deyanira exclaimed. She frantically looked around for the portal, but it was gone.

“No…” she said to herself, “It can’t be gone!”

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