25 5 9

It's cold.

Apparently, it is supposed to rain or snow soon, so that makes sense.

At least that is the only thing that makes sense at this moment.

Maybe it's not the cold that's giving me chills, maybe it's my anxiety.

Have you ever felt felt loneliness?




My parents just said that they are getting a divorce.

A freaking divorce.

I thought they had a happy relationship.

But they were only showing the happy parts of their marriage.

Not the other side of the story.

They didn't want my brother and I to see the unhealthy part of their "fairytale love".

I remember them telling us how they met.

"I was supposed to be at my office in 15 minutes and the bus was running late. As I was trying to get a cab, a man bumps into me. He accidentally spilled my coffee all over me. I remember him giving me his scarf to cover it up and we looked into each other's eyes."

My dad is going to live with his sister in her apartment a few blocks from here.

It literally seems like they had everything planned.

Like, who gets a place that quick?

My parents.

Both of them have been here for all my life.

What's next?

"You're not going to move with dad, right?", I ask with the sound of worrying in my voice.

If Matt moves away with him, I don't know what I am going to do. He is the other person in this house who understands me.
My mom is always working and my dad is always on the phone.

"Haha, no. But I will visit him often. ", he ruffles his hair.

He sighs.

He knows.

He knows I'm scared.

He's my brother, other than Audrey,
he knows me.

"I know you are scared and you don't have to be. Makayla's parents are divorced. You can ask her for advice.", he calmly says.

And that's is what I'm going to do.

"I'll be right back. "
Before he can ask me where I am going, I run downstairs.

There they are.


"Sweetheart we need to-", he says.

"Save it. I'm leaving."

"Where to?", she asks with concern.

"Like you actually care."


I'm speed walking to the bus stop. It isn't that far from here.

But it is chilly.

Why didn't I bring a warmer coat?

I tug on my jacket to try and make me warmer.
Like if it was going to work.

I'm about to cross the road when something catches my eye.

I look down.

Next to the wet leaves, there is something shiny.
I carefully moves the leaves away and pick up the item.
I hold it close to my eye.

It's a ring.

But not just any ring, it seemed special.
Like if someone was watching and decided to "give me a call" or something.

Wow, all this just because of that stupid divorce.


And I hear thunder.

Is this like those scenes in the movies?
And now I see it.

"Young girl cries in the rain, asking for a better life. "

Except this time it's different.

It's reality.

It's my reality.

My phone starts to ring as loud as it can.

It my father.

Out of everyone in the world, at this moment, he and my mother are the last I want to talk to.

I look at the answer and decline buttons and wait a few seconds.


The bus is now here.



"That will be $1.50. ", the bus driver says.

I show him my student pass.

"Why are you doing something educational at this time?", he asks concerned.

"Hey! There is no time limit on education"

I couldn't believe what I just said.

"Hmm. Sit down."

I take the seat close to the window.

I turn on my phone to play some music.
The 1975 begins to play.

I realize I still have the ring.

It's a silver ring, with a red gem.

It's pretty.

But it's not mine.

Or is it?


"Love, what are you doing here? It's 10 p.m. !", a tired Makayla answers the door.

"I know I can talk to you about anything. Is that right?"

"Yeah. Are you like pregnant or something?, she chuckles.

She has a cute Aussie accent.


"Okay, come inside. I'll make you a hot chocolate."

Sameness ( #WATTYS2017 )Where stories live. Discover now