Two Days Business Trip- fluff 🐏

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"Don't worry, Alfie, I'll be back soon, it's just a couple days” Kyle said as he tried to pry the crying American from his leg. “B-But it’s cold a-and dark without you here! You know how much I hate the dark! Please don’t leave me all alone Kyle!!” Alfred sobbed out into the Australian’s leg desperately, not wanting him to leave. Kyle tried one more time to get his lover to let go but even though he was young, he had a grip of steel, “ Alfred, I have to go, it is only a few days, we can call each other every night and you can even leave the lights on, you're a big boy now, you can do it,” the Australian chuckled slightly. Alfred looked up to Kyle and used his infamous ‘hurt puppy eyes’ in one final attempt to get Kyle to stay home with him. “Please…” Alfred pouted with a slight break in is voice. Kyle set down his suitcase and hugged Alfred, “It will be ok, I swear. You can even let your dogs sleep in the bed with you.” Alfred sniffled into Kyle’s neck and nodded. “Okay… But your stupid snake is staying in it’s cage. I don’t care if she’s friendly, I ain’t handlin’ her!” Alfred said with a pointed look, knowing that his boyfriend handled his Woma Python at least twice every day. “Alright, if it makes you feel safer, she can stay in her cage. Now, I have to leave or I'll miss my flight, and you know how Arthur gets when we are late, that old man gets so mad I think he might have a heart attack.” Kyle kissed Alfred lightly on the lips before standing up. Alfred gave a small snort at that. “If you think he’d have a heart attack at you bein’ late, you shoulda seen him whenever I went out to the forest to climb trees and shit, that nearly killed the dude!” He laughed out, remembering when he had to force Arthur to complete bed rest for an entire day after he spent a night in the forest by his old house when he was 12. Kyle laughed too and headed to the door, “I'll call you when I land, it shouldn't take me to long, and remember, I lost my spider in here somewhere so if you see him, make sure to put him back in his cage. Don’t need him scaring away random people walking down the sidewalk.” Kyle smiled at Alfred before continuing, “I love you. Just remember, I'll be back in no time.” Alfred smiled, “I love you too Kyle….wait, YOU’RE SPIDER GOT OUT OF IT’S DAMN CAGE?!” Alfred screeched at Kyle as the Australian dashed out the door with a laugh.

When Kyle left Alfred grumbled about how if he found Kyle’s damned spider he’d squash it and leave it to the scorpions in their backyard while going to grab some Takis from their chip cabinet.  Alfred look around, just in case the large spider was waiting for the perfect time to strike, then grabbed the Takis and sitting down at the table before munching on them. One of his dogs, an Australian Shepherd/Corgi mix pranced in with her flower themed bandana around her neck and sat in front of Alfred, begging for some of his Takis. Alfred pulled out a few before holding his hand down in front of her, “Here ya go girl, there aren't many left but I guess you can have a few,” He laughed slightly at the weird feeling of her nipping his fingers slightly, begging for some more. Alfred chuckled and reached in his bag and found that the rest of the spicy corn chips were gone. “Sorry Sheila, all gone.” Sheila looked up to him and dug her nose into the bag, trying to find more chips she could devour. The American pulled the bag away before standing up, “Maybe we have some more in the pantry.” He walked over to the small room with Sheila trailing behind. He pulled the door open and turned the light on before stepping inside, “ Hmm...we have a few other chips but I don't see any mo-” He cut himself off with a screech at the sight of a huge spider sitting on top of a can of coffee. He ran out of the pantry, nearly tripping over Sheila and grabbed a fly swatter, not yet realizing that it was just Kyle’s Bird-Eating tarantula, Chompers. Alfred started to swing the swatter around blindly while screaming, “DIEDIEDIE!!” Sheila was jumping around and barking at the multiple things getting knocked off the shelves and spilling all over. After about 3 minutes of his blind swatting, Alfred stopped and leaned on his knees, panting heavily. “Is it dead yet Sheila?...” He panted out tiredly and looked down at the excited dog and noticed Chompers in the corner. He immediately grabbed Sheila and ran out for dear life, screaming that he was going to kill Kyle when he got home. Alfred raced into the shared bedroom before locking the door and hiding under the covers, Sheila still in his arms, wagging her stubby tail and yipped at the panting American. “ Welp, I guess this will be our fort for now, Sheila.” Sheila licked his cheek happily and looked over at the door, her satellite dish ears twitching and scratching and whining could be heard at the door. Soon enough a golden paw and a brindle paw appeared under the door, begging to be let in. Alfred got up off the bed and unlocked the door so his other fuzzy buddies could come in. He looked around the hall way to make sure none of Kyle's other 'friends’ were around. Pickles the Golden Retriever and Guy the Australian Shepherd puppy ran in and jumped on the bed, Guy using the steps placed there that Sheila normally used.