Blanket Troubles 🌚

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Alfred and Kyle were getting everything around for their Harry Potter marathon when everything started to go down hill. "Hey, my little Koala bear, do you have the popcorn and drinks?" Kyle called from the kitchen, getting ready to turn the lights off. "Yuppers! I got your horrid Pepsi and my awesome Coke in travel cups just incase they tip over. " He remembered the last time they had just the cans. Alfred moved the bowl of popcorn and tipped over a pop can that started a chain reaction which ended with a lamp on top of them and two sticky dogs. Kyle chuckled and shut the lights off before flopping down onto the couch as well.

Alfred plopped down beside him, but soon remembered that they needed a blanket, so he got up again with a groan. “Ugh, why do I always remember things right as I sit down?” “Maybe because your subconscious is getting you to exercise for one in your life.” Kyle retorted with a shit eating grin as Alfred walked over to a closet to grab a blanket, which he soon groaned at finding nothing in there.

“Ugh, Kyle, did you put the blankets in the wash without tellin’ me again?!” Kyle just grabbed a handful of popcorn and placed it all in his mouth so he didn’t have to respond. Alfred just sighed and started rummaging through the linen closets, before trying their closet. Good god did that need to be cleaned… Oh well, that’s for another story I guess. He rummaged through there and soon found an old ass How To Train Your Dragon blanket.

“Huh, forgot I had this old thing.” He muttered out and continued rummaging, only finding that the HTTYD blanket was the only one they had for the moment. Alfred walked back to the living room and plopped beside Kyle yet again as he wrapped the blanket around them, or at least tried to.

"Was that all you could find? It's way too small." Kyle questioned as Alfred struggled to pull the tiny blanket around them both. "Well no shit. Maybe if someone hadn't done the wash without tellin' me we would have a bigger one." Kyle coughed and looked over at Pickles, their dog, "Pickles! How could you forget? You knew Alfred and I would be having a marathon." To this the golden retriever just wagged his tail and lifted his head up from where he was lying, not completely understanding what the Aussie was talking about. Alfred rolled his eyes and grunted in effort while trying to stretch the blanket out.

“You fuckin’ dork.” Alfred grunted out and soon gave up, just yanking the blanket so he could hog it. Kyle just gave Alfred a blank stare before yanking the blanket away from the blonde so he could have it. “Bitch, you didn’t tell me about washing the blankets so I get it.” Alfred said as he yanked the blanket back, giving Kyle a glare at the same time. “Well I get cold easier than you, Yankee Doodle Dandy. So let me have it!” Kyle also yanked it back, and thus, the blanket war ensued.

"No way, you dildo! I should have it since I'm the shortest! I'll fit better!" Kyle snorted, "Well I guess I am a human dildo since you are always fucking yourself on my di-" Kyle was cut short by Alfred throwing a handful of popcorn at him and jerking the blanket back, hiding his face. "S-Shut up!" Even though Kyle had gotten a face full of popcorn and the blanket taken away, it was worth it because the American's cheeks lit up in a bright red blush. After rubbing salt and butter off his face, Kyle grabbed a corner of the HTTYD blanket and pulled it back. "So? Just because you are shorter doesn't mean you get it. I need it because I have more space on me so my body heat doesn't keep me warm enough!"  He wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and smirked.

Alfred growled and yanked the blanket back over to him and held onto it for dear life as Kyle tried to yank it from him. “Haha! I’m the stronger one an’ you can’t get it!” Alfred taunted and stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend, being the man child that he was. Kyle sighed and started pouting, also acting like the man child he is. A few minutes later it started to get cold and Kyle started to shiver from the sudden cold blast while Alfred was happily snuggled in his blanket. But when the blonde looked over at the shivering brunette, he started to feel bad and crawled into Kyle’s lap, using his body heat to keep his boyfriend warm.

Kyle blinked and looked down at Alfred who still had his eyes trained on the TV screen. "Aww! Alfie! How sweet! You decide to be nice and share! You cutie!" The Aussie wrapped his arms around Alfred's slightly chubby abdomen and rested his head on the blond's head. Alfred scowled, "No! I just didn't want you to start whining! And I'm not cute! I'm manly!" He flexed his arms to try and seem more powerful. That failed and only made Kyle gush more. "Oh shut up and watch the movie, you dork." Alfred snapped but leaned back onto Kyle's chest more.

Kyle laughed and gave a small kiss to the top of Alfred’s head. “Will do Koala bear~”