The Fire

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The sun was just peeking over the camp in a warm golden glow when Pheonixkit woke up. It's not like I'm going that far, she thought to herself. I'll be fine.

She tiptoed carefully over Flamekit, Rainkit's brother, who was snarling and batting at things in his sleep.

Just for the sake of it, she brought the feather with her, holding it high in the air as she walked along. The camp was crowded with warriors, which made Pheonixkit slightly nervous.

She weaved between warriors and apprentices, enjoying the general clatter of the camp. The apprentices were waiting for their jobs, and warriors were listening to Lightningstrike yowling orders from the Hightree. The ancient branches were just low enough to stand on.

"Jayclaw and Trunkthorn, come with me to take the dawn patrol down near RainClan territory." he said.

Pheonixkit felt fur brush against hers as Longclaw sat down beside her, twitching and rocking back and forth.

"Nightsky, Stormmind, Longclaw, Silentpelt and Petalmist, you're hunting." announced Moonstar, brushing up beside her mate with a satisfied purr.

"Finally, Shadowstorm and Wolfheart will be training the apprentices." The old but strong black cats got to their feet, and the bouncy apprentices followed after.

"Everyone, meet back at mid-day. I'd like to make some announcements."

Every cat in the clearing dispersed. Pheonixkit watched them go with a pang of loneliness. Even her friend, Rainpaw, was now too busy to play with her. She was completely alone.

Moonstar was guarding the camp, as always, a watchful eye over the camp. A few other warriors talked to eachother, sharing tongues and watching for danger, but none of them were watching Pheonixkit. Most of the entrances were blocked, except for... the dirtplace. Grinning, Pheonixkit stepped lightly over the cursed place, making her way out of camp. Her jaw dropped and she looked around at the pure beauty of the forest.

The greens, the browns and the golds complimented eachother so well... Out of her left eye, Pheonixkit saw a red blur. Startled, she dropped the feather, and quickly picked it up again. She glanced to where she thought the mysterious stranger was, but it was gone.

Slightly scared, she continued through the forest, stumbling over sticks and kicking up leaves.

A red figure appeared in front of her, and every hair on Pheonixkit's back went straight up. In front of her was a bright red fox twice her size. She began to whimper, but the fox did nothing but look confused. The fox laid a mouse right under her feet and Pheonixkit looked at it, surprised. The fox gave a toothy smile. Pheonixkit began to eat happily.

"What's your name?" she asked the fox, but the fox said nothing. "I'll call you Fire, because you look like you're on fire." The fox looked slightly confused, but said nothing.

Pheonixkit finished up the last of her mouse and picked up her feather, which had gotten a bit of mouse on it but she wiped it off.

"Bye, Fire!" Pheonixkit said, and she bounded into the forest, heading back home.

Pheonixkit strode back into camp, her head held high and a mischievous smile on her face.

"Where have you been?" scolded Starheart, "I was worried sick!"

"I got a mouse to eat, from a fox!" Pheonixkit said with a smile.

"Yeah, right!" Riverkit scoffed.

Starheart walked over, slightly concerned. She breathed in deeply, making Pheonixkit nervous. Finally, she announced, "You don't smell like fox. Thank goodness, foxes are nasty animals."

"No, foxes are nice! Like Fire!"

Starheart looked nervous. "Do you remember what I told you about your parents?"

"... that a bear killed them?"

Starheart shook her head, biting her lip. "Come on in, Pheonixkit. I think it's time I told you the truth." She turned and headed for the nursery.

Pheonixkit, feeling cold and scared, walked slowly into the den.

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