The Nursery Tales

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Phoenixkit, Riverkit, and every other kit in the nursery was extremely disappointed to hear that Starheart wanted them to come inside to sleep.

"I'll tell you the story tommorow." insisted Starheart.

Phoenixkit flattened her ears, annoyed. Riverkit, by her side, chanted, "Fox tale! Fox tale! Fox tale!"

"Oh, can it." Phoenixkit hissed at him.

"I was just trying to help," insisted Riverkit.

Flamekit was curled up against the wall, keeping Silverkit and Windkit warm. He was obviously trying to hide his bitter disappointment that he hadn't been chosen to become an apprentice.

"I'm really, really hungry, can I please get some fresh-kill?" pleaded Phoenixkit.

Starheart smiled at her. "Okay, but be back in a minute."

Phoenixkit bolted straight to the medicine cat den, hoping to talk to Rainpaw. "Rainpaw! It's me, Phoenixkit, and I..."

Rainpaw and Silverfern were standing over an old black scarred tom who was snarling at them both. "I don't need any medication. I'm fine."

Rainpaw stuffed a few seeds down his throat. Silverfern continued putting pulp on his scars. Rainpaw's ears pricked and she turned around. "Phoenixkit, what are you doing up so late?"

"I came... to see you."

She growled in frustration. "Can't you see I'm busy?! Go to bed!"

"But... I..."

"Get out!" Black circles were obvious under her eyes. "Just go!"

Phoenixkit ran back to the den and curled up on her cozy nest, which was right next to a now-vacant nest where Rainpaw slept just a few nights ago. Something hurt, deep in Phoenixkit's tiny heart.

"My friend," she mumbled to herself.

The next morning, the small band of kits clustered around Starheart. "Tell us the fox story," they begged.

Silverkit's wide eyes were fixed on Starheart. The little kit had made a swift recovery.

The only kit who wasn't in the den was Flamekit, who had wandered outside, probably to beg Moonstar for his apprenticeship.

Starheart was watching her mate, Jayclaw, walk across the camp. He was on his way to the dawn patrol.

She gazed back down at the kits, and said finally, "Okay.

Once apon a time, long before DragonClan was formed, there was a line of noble foxes who lived the the far north. Generation apon generation, they ruled with loyalty, kindness, generosity and laughter. Even wolves, cats and a few bears lived under their rule.

However, one fox, prince and heir to the throne, was born... different. He believed in the truth beyond all else- lies made his fur bristle. Normally, that would be a good thing, but the world is held together with white lies.

One day, a cat lied to the prince's face to protect his family, and the fox had him executed. Knowing his father had died innocent, the cat's only son went down to the south and brought back fire. With it, he burned down the palace that the foxes ruled in, sacrificing himself. However, the fox who had condemned his father escaped, his family dead and his beautiful ruby red coat turned black by ash. No living creature knew his name before, but from that moment until now, he has been known by the name of Vengeance."

"What does this have to do with my parents?!" complained Phoenixkit indignantly.

Starheart ignored her and continued, "Vengeance became obsessed with fire. He wanted to use it for himself, manipulate it to do his bidding. He looked for help in the darkest of places, darker than any other living being to this day has ever gone. He found that in every heart there lies a spark of fire that he called soul-fire. It burns a different color in every cat, and it fuels your passion, your drive, your will to live. Once your fire is extinguished, you die.

However, if you were to take soul-fire from someone else... you could replenish your own indefinitely. You could live forever. And that is exactly what Vengeance did, well does. He's still out there now."

"How would you take someone's soul-fire?" asked Flamekit, who had become more interested in the story.

Starheart wisely said nothing, but Flamekit saw the disturbed look on her face and guessed it immediately. He looked back at Windkit and Silverkit and began grooming their fur.

The nursery was silent for a minute, until Phoenixkit burst out, "What a load of mouse dung!"

Every head in the nursery swung her way, surprised at the sudden use of language.

"You expect me to believe my parents were murdered by some kind of demented black fox? Well, guess what? I don't. Fire would never do that and neither would any other fox! Foxes are my friends!" With that, she ran away into the forest.

Starheart called out after her, "Wait!" It was too late. The kit had vanished. Phoenixkit stumbled out into the forest and began to cry. The now familiar red shape walked up to her imploringly.

"Fire, you're my only real friend." whispered Phoenixkit. The fox, as usual, said nothing. Phoenixkit buried her face in his bright red fur and sobbed into it.

She was so scared and alone that she didn't even notice Wolfheart dissapear into the forest, or Riverkit walking by with a shocked expression on his face.

Two stars shone bright overhead, two parents grieving for the daughter they could not help.

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