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I always figured I'd have to do this eventually.

This book, Vengeance, is now over three years old- and by that, I mean it's been three years since I finished it. It was started around three and a half, almost four years ago, and I have obviously grown a lot as a writer and storyteller since. Even by the end of this book I was aware a lot of events within didn't quite make sense, even in context, but I finished it because I wasn't interested in completely rewriting a project I no longer had interest in, especially since the errors in the plot were so far embedded in the identity of the story that rewriting it would have been an utter mess.

So for the record- Vengeance, as well as Thin Ice and Ashleap's Fall, follow the events of a roleplay, not the original Warriors canon, and the events contained within differ wildly from what would be acceptable from canon as a result. Said roleplay was the reason I got into Wattpad at all and many of the people who participated in it were my first real "audience". For the sake of honoring that history and those people, quite a few of whom are still around, the story will remain up and unaltered barring any major reason I find to remove it. 

Yes, I know that dragons do not exist in Warriors canon. Yes, I'm aware of the implausability/rarity of certain prefixes. Yes, I know that several basic facets of canon have been twisted for the sake of the story. Yes, I know foxes don't work that way. I was young and hell, it was a story I felt like telling so that my friends and I could relive the excitement we felt during said events in the roleplay. 

If you're going to comment on the setting, the implausibility of the characters/events (yes I still cringe at Fire's arc), or anything else I've explained above, feel free, but you're wasting your breath.

Furthermore, things that were legitimate errors that I now know about

-Male calicos are rare and when they do exist, they're infertile (in my defense there are a lot of male, fertile calicos in the original series).

-"Phoenix" is not spelled "Pheonix"

I'm sure there are more that will be added as people point things out but I'd be more surprised that anyone found this book.

If none of the above bothers you, feel free to look through this and laugh, but I'd really prefer not to be barraged with abrasive comments. Thanks.



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