Ichiya x Freed: Unrequited Love

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Author POV

The streets of Magnolia were alive with energy, and a certain short, par-fume loving troll- I mean man walked amongst the crowd. Ichiya was returning from a job, but had decided to drop by Magnolia in hopes of seeing Erza. He stopped dead in his tracks as a  he caught a wonderful par-fume, but it wasn't Erza's. No, this sent was even more beautiful. He followed the sent like a hunting dog, intrigued by the par-fume. He stopped, he nknew the owner of the par-fume was nearby, but who was it. That's when he saw him. His hair was emerald green, his skin a fair tan, and his only visible eye was a stormy blue, a beauty mark below it. He was the most gorgeous person Ichiya had ever seen, and that par-fume was radiating off of him. The man in question was Freed Justine, captain of the thunder legion. Freed was viewing the collection of books in a bookstore's window. Ichiya hoped onto the barrel next to him, and sniffed his hair. Freed, startled, jumped away.
"Hello Freed, it's an honour to finally meet you," Ichya said bowing.
Freed, recovered from his shock, but was still creeped out by the troll- I mean man.
"Ichiya, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
Freed said pleasure hesitantly.
"I was strolling around the city when I smelt your intoxicating par-fume. I must say that you look as good as you smell."
"Th-thank you...I think."
"May I ask what are you doing tonight? Because if you are free, I'd love to spend the evening with you. And possibly the night."
Freed's eyes widened as he realised that Ichiya was asking him on a date.
"I, uh...I'm sorry, but, um, I have to decline."
"Nonsense! Tonight you and I are going to dinner," Ichiya insists.
Ichiya then grabs Freed's hand and pulls him towards himself, making the fairy tail wizard lose his balance and fall forward. Ichiya puckers up his lips. Their lips are an inch apart when Freed stops falling. Turning his head to look behind him he sees Rogue holding onto his collar. Rogue than pulled him so that he was standing straight again.
"May I ask why you did that Rogue?" Ichiya asks.
"He did it because otherwise Freed would've been scared for life," a familiar voice said.
"Erza?" Ichiya said.
The red haired woman than kicked Ichiya.
He was eventually nothing more than a dot in the sky.
"Thank you both. That was too close," Freed said relived.
"Don't mention it," Rogue said.
"Well, it looks like you're now apart of out little club," Erza said.
"What club?" Freed asked.
"The Ichiya's targets club," Rogue answered.
The three of them then went to a little coffee shop to take their minds off a certain troll. I don't need to correct myself. He is a little troll.

I'm sorry this took longer than planned, I've been 'busy'.

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