Rogue x Freed: Dont Die for Me

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Requested by Rosepetle 😊

Rogue sweat dropped at the glare that his boyfriend was giving him. He had managed to piss off Freed, and that wasn't something that could be easily done. Rogue was currently sitting on a bed in the infirmary covered in bandages.
"I'm not sorry," Rogue said.
"I know you're not not," Freed sighed.
He sat next to Rogue on the bed.
"I should be the one in that bed Rogue. Not you."
"I'm sorry, but I wasn't going to let that happen."
Rogue and Freed had decided to go on a mission together. It was simple. Catch a wizard who had been causing trouble in Hargeon. Unfortunately this wizards had some powerful spells up his sleeve. He'd sent one at Freed, who didn't have time to doge or creat a barrier. Rogue had seen this and, not wanting any harm to come to his boyfriend, he took the blow for him. This caused Freed to lose his shit and beat the wizard to a bloody pulp. That's why Freed was angry with him. Rogue looked at Freed, who was facing away from him. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, so that he could sit side by side with Freed. Rogue grabbed the rune mage's hand and squeezed it.
"Freed, I love you to much to let any harm come to you. Hell, I'd give up my life for you."
"That's the problem."
"What do you mean?"
Freed faced him.
"I don't want you to die for me! I want you to live with me!"
Freed wrapped his arms around the dragon slayer, and buried his face in Rogue's chest. Rouge felt the bandages there dampen. Freed was crying.
"I can't bear the thought of losing you. And I don't want to be the reason for it."
Rogue smiled at him warmly, and rested one hand on Freed's back, and the other ran through Freed's hair.
"I promise you won't be, but you shouldn't blame yourself for my decision ms."
"It's just, I-"
Rogue comforted Freed till his eyes dried out. Rogue lifted up Freed's face and kissed him tenderly. When they parted they lent their foreheads together.
"I'm sorry."
"I thought you weren't going to apologise."
"Shut up."
Freed chuckled. The two laid in bed together and cuddled, and they eventually fell asleep. That's how Porlyusica found them. She sighed, but smiled.

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