As I was walking to tryouts with Arie, I saw my cousins Syla and Sidney being picked up, they were twins and in 7th grade too. I knew that Show though old people were over rated, but J was surprised to see Sidney not trying out. Sidney has a prosthetic leg, and she has always wanted to be a gymnast, the truth was, I loved her, but I was embarrassed by her, she was kind of a disgrace to the family. "Hey isn't that your cousin?" Arie asked poking me in the rib as we walked to the MPR.
"Syla?" I asked hoping she did not remember Sidney, who she had onky met once.
"No, that other girl, Sidney is her name I think"
"Oh yeah her" I said my voice dropping
"Go say hi," Arie said pushing me gently
"Maybe later" I said as my voice trailer off I stared at Sidney.When we arrived in the MPR, we changed quickly, and tryouts went great!!!!!!! I easily got the gymnastics part, but I am not so sure about Arie (She tied herself up in a knot with her ribbon). Tomorrow the results will be out, and by Wednesday next week, we will be on the way to the retirement home. I was so excited, little did I know, it would not be anything like what I hoped, actually, it would change my life as I know it.
DiversosA story about a girl who must learn that in order to fly, you have to fail, fall, but you can never give up