1. Caught Out

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Chapter One: Caught out.


Some how I don't think this is legal. But when your desperate you'd do anything right? Wrong. You wouldn't do this. I creep through the darkened administrations office, my boots hardly making a noise. Noise leads to failure, which leads to my capture. That's a no go. I don't need that on my shoulders. I suppose the distraction proves to be great. The seniors are here for their senior year tradition, so no one noticed me, the little junior, strolling through the hallways as she tried to reach administration.

They should have just beaten me. I muse in my head as I take out the key I stole earlier in the day from a teacher. Everyone knows teachers go back a day before students, and everyone knows when there's no kids around, there's no point in hiding their keys. Their stupidity never surprises me.

The door creeks as it opens and if I could wince in this jacket, I would. But its so damn tight in the shoulders, that, and there's no point being quiet really. Everyone is either outside or in the library. No where near me. I enter the principal's office, closing the door behind me.

Let the search begin.

I gently open draws, rifling through the contents before shutting them. Under the desk, in the cupboards, through the wooden cabinet. Where the hell is this thing? I frown, standing warily, observing the office. Bingo. Filing cabinet. I ease it open, using another key on the chain I stole. I go to the Junior draw, that holds all the junior's information. There's a draw for freshmen, sophomore, juniors and seniors. I reach the M section and search for the correct name.

Manders, Matthews, Manson, Melford, Michaels, Miconan, M'lanson, Myers. I stop at the last one. Got it. I take it out and carefully remove the warning letter that's inside it. Jayden Myers told me to remove it or else. And by else, I mean he'll kill me. I send the letter through the shredder before putting the file back between M'lanson and... Myles...

I stop short on that file. Not just any file, my file. I tug it out, and sit on a metal chair. I open it and see the student information page. Checking the clock on the wall I see how long I've been in here. No sweat, I've got time. Plenty of time to read my student file and then lock up the office and escape before I'm caught.

Malik Myles

I grin. Too easy. This school needs to invest into some serious security measures. Seriously students are not allowed near these files, this is so easy to access. Just as I go to read I hear the administration door swing open. Oh shit oh crap. I am royally screwed. I all but chuck my file back into the cabinet and make sure its locked.

Fuck it. I'll sneak in another time.

"Hello?" a voice sounds from outside and I sink back against the wall, keeping my breathing steady and soft.

"I know you're in here. And I know you're alone. Come out and I won't tell anyone that you snuck in" the voice reasons and I grit my teeth.

If things weren't already hard enough for me, god just has to make things worse. My phone starts vibrating loudly and flashes with the words:

Gideon Lawson: Step Dragon... You motherfucker!

"Fucking hell" I whisper, turning it off. Now I'm totally caught. My bloody step dad calls at the worst times.

"Okay now I know your definitely here! C'mon I heard your phone. You wont get in trouble, just come out!" alright plan B. The window. I step over to it and just as I'm about to unlatch it the door swings open. My experience with bullies kicks in and I all but dive under the desk before they can see me. My breathing halts as I watch a pair of male shoes circle slowly around the office.

Son of a gun, he's going to find me... I think, and as I do I'm hauled out of my hiding spot by a pair of strong arms. I fight against my assailant, as; why the fuck not? If I'm going down, I'm going down fighting. But I've never been very good at defending myself from attacks, evidently so, as the stranger slams me against the wall within two seconds flat.

"Fuck" I wheeze, holding a hand to my chest. The stranger steps back and I raise my head, only to be caught by surprise.

Hello, Mr. Cute.

A shirt that hugs his muscles and jeans that had to have cost an arm and a leg. Pair of no doubt expensive boots. His jaw line has more structure than my entire life, and his eyes are a steel cross between blue and grey. Not like sophomore Liam Dunbar, whose eyes could be connected to paradise, but this boys eyes could be a razor sharp edge... yes I want to throw myself off a cliff because I'm stupid.

He's new. Wasn't here last year that's for sure. I keep tabs on every possible person who can beat me down, this boy would've been on the list for sure. He's cute enough to be. Every cute boy wants to kick my ass. Every pretty girl too... in fact lets just say everyone wants to beat me up. Ok? Good.

"Mind letting me go you obnoxious play boy" I spit. Oh good, my attitudes back. How I missed you so.

"Why do I get the feeling you summarised me too well? " he drawls out, leaning a little closer. That fricking voice is gonna kill me. Kinda sexy yet dangerous. I fucking like it.

"Gift or curse?" I ask amused and he grins.

"Your not a senior are you? My name's Theo Raeken, you are?"

"I'm a Junior. But i'm not telling you my name."

"Why not?"

"You're acting anomalous its rather unconventional and unsettling. Mr Theo." I say absentmindedly. He looks confused.

"Uh, what?"

"You're acting anomalous; deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected. This is rather unconventional; which is not conforming to what is generally done or believed, and its rather unsettling; the cause to feel anxious or uneasy; disturbed." I tell him, pushing him off to sit on the desk chair. He smiles at me.

"What text book did you swallow?" he mocks and I smirk.

"The English one" I mock back at him and he grins.

"My Name is Malik Myles." I add as an after thought. He smirks at me.

"Well Malik, next time I catch you in the office, I'll tell someone. Now get out. This is a senior night." Theo orders and I roll my eyes. I begrudgingly allow him to escort me to the school gates, where he reminds me not to go into a restricted area again before turning around and leaving me alone at the edge of the parking lot.

I huff and tug my hood on. There's something not right about all this. I locked the administration door after entering on my way to the office. No lights were turned on. I was quiet. He shouldn't have been able to see me in the dark. He shouldn't have known I'd gone in there until my phone went off. But he knew before it did, so...

How the hell did Theo know I was there?

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