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• lower case intended•

hunter's p.o.v
walking into school never made me nervous but today i'm scared out of my mind. will i get made fun of again? most likely. will i gain any new friends? probably not. will anyone remember me? hopefully not. you see, it's been a long time, or not really that long but it feels that way, since i've been to this school.

i moved about 3 years ago. my family fell apart so i went and lived with my dad. things were going very well. at my new school i felt okay, i even had some friends. things were going okay for once. but then my uncle died. he's the only thing my dad had to love, besides me i guess. everyone was gone in his life. his wife, his mother, my grandma, died some years ago, and his father wasn't in the picture. all he had was me and his brother.

it was hard on me too. i loved my uncle, he was so young and carefree, or so it seemed. i didn't realize his demons had him captured and did whatever they felt like with him. he killed himself, left a note saying he was sorry, drank and drank, and then drove himself right off of a bridge. oh so tragic. my dad went crazy. he got so sad. he'd be out for hours, sometimes i didn't even know if he was coming back. he felt like he needed to drink to stop his problems. that's maybe where i got the idea from but never mind that.

it was like that for a while but then one night he came home and yelled for me to come downstairs. he called me so many names and i mean i was used to it but something seemed very off. he was more pissed off this time. he had a half full bottle of vodka in his hand. i don't want to get into the details but he ended up smashing it over my head. when he was more sober he told me not to tell anyone and he wouldn't stop telling me how sorry he was and how he would never do it again.

guess what? he hurt me again. he would throw me against the wall and hit my head off of it when he was drunk. i must say, it was scary. every single time he'd say he was sorry and not do it again. i told the kids at school that i fell or wasn't looking and ran into a door. one night however, he almost killed me.

that's why i live with my mom now. my dad told her that he needed some time for himself. no one knows what went on with my dad and i behind closed doors. anyways, my mom made me go back to my old school, the school i dreaded.

i got made fun of a lot, i mean i guess i was kind of popular in a way but not like the the cheerleaders and football players. i cheered for a bit when i was younger and hardly anyone made fun of each other, my best friend and i both did. sadly though she let it get to her head and now we are no longer friends. it was like she just hated me and only pretended to be friends with me. i was okay for a while and made some more friends, i quit cheerleading though. i also never liked the emo kids. ones who cut and listened to dark music.

it's funny now because that's what i do now, cut and listen to dark music. both are escapes for me.

i've been sitting here for a good hour now waiting for my mom to talk to the desk lady and get my schedule. i suck at talking to people, too much of a hassle. i also just don't care anymore. finally my mom came back with everything i needed.

the woman at the desk explains to me where all the classes are and the cafeteria but it's weird because i know where everything is already. i didn't think i looked that different. sure i hit puberty, dyed my hair, changed my clothes, and got a nose stud but i still looked like me, somewhat.

walking down these empty halls has me thinking, what if i just not go to classes? it saves me from talking in front of the whole class and they won't ever know who i am. i go by a nickname now and my last name was changed to my moms because i couldn't stand keeping his last name.

my real name is haydena, odd i know. everyone back then called me that or hayden but i hate them both. i got made fun of because they were all sexist and made it a guys name. hunter isn't much better but i like it a lot more and it just somehow fits me.

just as i am about to turn around i spot a teacher and by the looks of it they see me.

"excuse me young lady!" the woman says, yells really.

i roll my eyes, i just don't care. "what could you possibly need?" i say with as much attitude as i can muster.

"where are you supposed to be?" she questions.

"class", my smartass mouth says without me thinking about it.

she sighs. "well then why aren't you there?"

"good question but i do not have an answer for you so i will be on my way. bye" i say and turn on my heel the other way.

"you better get to class or i will send you to the office", she threatens. her threats don't scare me.

"cool", i mumble to myself. i look down at my now wrinkled paper schedule. ms. stopla. fun. i don't like her very much, her bright red hair and shiny clothes always gave me a headache. i find her room and take a deep breathe before going inside.

i walk in and just stand there giving off my best "hurry the fuck up and notice me" impression. she does thankfully, i didn't feel like waiting there forever.

"hi? who are you, are you in this class?" she asks with disgust which i am assuming is coming from my appearance. my dark reddish hair with faded blue at the bottom must be a killer to her. or maybe it's my choker? no no probably my black long sleeve shirt with dark red jeans to match my hair. who knows?

"uhm i must be because i'm in here" i say almost like i'm not even listening to what she has to say.

"what is your name so i can find your seat and check you in for being tardy" she says ignoring my attitude.

i obnoxiously take two chews of my gum and spill out "hunter".

"last name too?" she asks.

i look around hoping no one will notice it's me again. "im hunter, hunter kelly".

no one seems to realize.


yay book like 50 million i have tried to write lmao. i am really trying on this one so please enjoy if you can :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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