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Dear diary,
When I got home last night Logan was pissed,
Of course I new this was going to happen when I excepted the ride from Max.
But in all honesty I was terrified to walk home alone.
I had never had someone offer to help me like that.

So I said yes and he loaded all my laundry in the back of his old pick up truck, he seemed genuinely concerned for my wellbeing and I didn't understand why.
No one had ever helped me before so why was this random man doing it now?
As it turns out he told me. " I used to do my moms laundry" he said looking over his shoulder at me
" of course I was 17 and no one wanted to screw with me"

there was a long pause were no one said anything but I figured I might want to say something seeing how at anytime he could get pissed and tell me to get the hell out.
" thanks for the ride"
I don't look at him I just continue to pick at my jeans and think about that guy who had,
had the intention of ripping them from my body.

" anytime you sure needed it" this kind of gets me irritated I Pride myself a lot on being Able to take care of myself and my little brother,
" I can take care of myself" I spit at him finally looking up into his eyes
" oh I'm sure you can I didn't mean it that way."
" I can see your a vary strong and independent young lady but even so sometimes you need some help.
" I didn't even notice him pulling over the car. He turns to look at me all the alarms in my head are going off
" what going on?" I question " this isn't my house" I say
" Sadie I want to tell you why I helped you I'm sure you've been wondering." I nod starting to feel a little less worried but if he makes any kind of move I will punch him in the face.

" I helped you because someone didn't help my sister and now she's dead. and that sicko wouldn't have been able to let you go you saw his face so I helped you."
For the first ten seconds I don't know what to say but I come up with " I'm so sorry about your sister."
He looks down at his hands and then back up at me with a look of I don't know but it looks calm.

" you know at first a was so angry and there was so many feelings and thoughts running around inside me I really didn't know what to do I was just a mess."
He kind of chuckles lightly " but now I realize that even though what happened to her was horrible she wouldn't want it to ruin my life to.

I look at him and he's smiling widely at me and I smile to, " that's really great" and then he starts up the car and drives me home.
Sadly he can definitely hear Logan screaming at my mother from the inside of the house
" well this is my house"

Max is unloading the last case of laundry, he nods at me " the suitcases were a smart idea" he says indicating to the laundry I always put them in suitcases with handles and wheels so all I have to do is roll them along. " thank you" I say and I really do mean it but at this point I need him to go because if Logan comes out and sees him not only will I be screwed so will he. Apparently he get the idea

" stay out of trouble" he says and with that he get in his truck and drives off. And I'm left alone to deal with my mother and Logan and I still have to go pick up John, the front door opens " Sadie grace were the hell have you been?" My mom yells across the yard I say nothing and I never will.

The life of Sadie grace Where stories live. Discover now