Parks, Sandwiches, and favorite things.

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Dear Diary,
"True friends"~ William called us that means I can tell him anything right?
I'm swimming in the sea of my own thoughts, and it's a dangerous place to be.

" but what if he doesn't really care?"~
The voices are horrible and they won't stop screaming.
" no one cares Sadie your all alone"~
And the the voices are right, I am all alone and there's no one to save me from myself.

" Sadie grace?!" My mother yells loudly.
" leave me alone" I say under my breath.
For a minute there's nothing everything is quiet and still.

" SADIE GRACE!?" My mother yells again this time louder and more irritated, I get up I had been laying on the floor of my bedroom but now I stand and walk out.

" yes mother?" I call down the stairs.
" finally" she says exasperated. " there's a boy here to see you!" She says looking almost happy for me.

" a boy?" I question but then it clicks.William.
I walk down brushing off any dust that could be on my clothes, she stops me,
Whispering in my ear " your lucky Logan wasn't home" shes warning me to not have him over again. Not that I invited him in the fist place. I walk to the door and open it a small smile on my face.
" William" I say. " Sadie!" He holds out his hand,
" would you care to have lunch with me?"

I almost say no but the way he looks at me and the way I Feel when he does stops me.
" I'd love too" I say walking out and shutting the door behind me.
He smiles " splendid!"

We're walking to a park, every now and then he try's to grab my hand. I'm not one for touching and so I have my hands in my pockets,

" Sadie?" I turn my head
" yes" I answer.
" I would just like to tell you that if you don't like my mothers home made ham sandwiches,
We will no longer be friends" he says completely serious.
" okay, understood sandwiches are a big deal" I nod smiling.
" thank you for understanding" he says still trying to keep a straight face.

We get to the park and he holds up his hands
" welcome!" He yells like its the most Amazing thing in the world.
I laugh " you come here a lot?"
He looks confused, " I've never been here in my life." And then turns and walks to find a place with shade.

I sake my head and run after him.
He's lays  down in the grass,
I look down at him frowning.
" Sadie come on the grass is fine!" He giggles.
I lay next to him staring up at the sky.
We must lay there for five minutes in complete silence.

And then he rolls over " are you hungry?" He asks his blue eyes wide.
" yeah," I say he smiles
He grabs the sandwiches,And hands one to me.
"  our friendship rests in your hands" he says waiting expectantly.

I take a bite.He looks at me nervous,
" it' good"
He brakes into a fit of giggles.
" you...had me for a second!" He says hitting me gently.
After our lovely meal we sit under tree,Talking.
" okay my turn to ask a question" he says
I nod. " what is you favorite animal" he says it like it's the hardest question he's ever asked
" I like rabbits.
He smiles, " I like foxes"
I give him a look. He laughs,
We talk for what feels like hours and probably was I learned so much about him, but not once did he ask any thing to personal. And he would never know how grateful I was.
" so Sadie I should be getting you home it's getting late." William says, standing up and holding his hand out to me.
I take it and nod.
" yeah" but I'm sad if it were up to me I'd live in that park with William and eat his mom's ham sandwiches forever.
When we get to my street I turn.
" I can walk the rest of the way alone"
He gives me a look like he's going to protest.
But then he nods " Alright,I had a wonderful time," he smiles.
" so did I, the best time" and I feel bad because he doesn't know how much I mean it,
It was the best day of my life.

and as I walk away I realize it was the day
I Fell in love.

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