Broken bottles and tears

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Dear diary,
Last night was one of the worst Logan came home black out drunk and pissed,
it didn't take him and my mom long to start fighting.
This is how it always is he would come home stupid drunk and mad then he would beat my mom senseless
then wen he's clam he tells her he's sorry and that he loves her that it won't happen again the worst part is that she always believes him.

When he starts beating her John always runs into my room and we wait it out together he is always so brave telling me that it's going to be okay.

I tell him he's right that it will get better even though I don't believe it he still does and the truth is that I need him to, after Logan is finished taking out his rage on my mother I go down the stairs I know he won't be there he's in there room pasted out. My mom is on the floor next to a bunch of broken beer bottles she's crying

I get down on my knees and touch he face " why do you let him do this?" I alway ask it always the same, she tell me she does it for me and john so that will have a house and food.

I help her up and to get cleaned and then I pick up all the broken pieces I tuck my little brother and make sure my mothers okay and go back to my bed and think about how tomorrow it will all start again.

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