Prologue- shes is...I'm not

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This was meant to be the first chapter but it's incredibly  short ...I'm sorry but it gets better don't worry... decided to make this the prologue I guess 😜

I sit at the front of the class she sits at the back.
I almost always know the answer she doesn't even bother to answer.
I want to learn she wants to listen to her music.
When things are opposites they attract each other but in this case we don't even repel we just exist. I don't like this girl but I don't hate her because to hate her I'd have to know her.
I've never heard her voice, never seen her smile I've only ever witnessed the distant look in her eyes that sit between the smokey eye and hood.
I try to be a hero, She is a villain.
I walk, she glides.
I'm human, she's... not, atleast I don't think she is.
We stayed out of each others way until one day when we collided...

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