Chapter 4 -youre going to kill me!

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I had been at her place for 10 minutes before she came back with some lemonade and gave it to me. I was seated in the couch awaiting her arrival admiring what I could see.

We were sat in silence as she just looked at me. I began to get uncomfortable with her intense gaze so I looked around before making an observation. She seemed to be studying me but I just looked anywhere but her eyes. I decided to change the non-exist any conversation...

'So where are your parents' a solemn look covered her face and I instantly knew that was the dumbest thing I could have said.

'They parents Are dead' she replied with a distant look in her eyes.

'I'm sorry' was all I could say, what do you say to that?

'Don't be it's not like it's your fault' she shrugged suddenly less emotional.

'I know I just mean...' I tried but she cut me off.

'It's fine I know what you meant it's okay it happened a long time ago' The brown eyed girl reassured me.

'So you live here alone?' I asked suddenly more curious and wanting to change the subject fast.

'No but it is just me and my sister... we're emancipated' she explained.

'Oh where is she?' I asked. Maybe she was a little less ...psycho.

I heard Grace snigger beside me before replying bluntly with.

'Out I suppose' I nodded and looked around again trying to find out information once again.

Noones POV
'If you want to know anything just ask' Grace sat back not taking her eyes off the blue eyed girl in front of her.

'Umm...thanks' seriously was I that readable on what I was doing and thinking Hannah thought.

As if on queue the door flung open and a red-head practically flew in
'Oh Gracie's today's hunt was...'she halted and sniffed the air. Hannah looked over at the girl confused

'Umm that your sister?' She turned to Grace. Mamrie turned to Hannah in Anger.

'Uh y-yeah' grace seemed anxious getting up slowly from the chair as her sisters features changed.

'Grace how could you bring a human here!!' Mamrie shouted not waiting to make an introduction.

'Mamrie calm down' Grace tried moving towards her sibling her hands out. Grace could sense that her hunting instinct was still racing and she watched as Mamrie's eyes turned black and she advanced towards Hannah

'Mamrie!' Grace shouted growing fangs, her eyes turning black as veins ran through her face without a thought off how Hannah would react she let the monster control her.

Hannah jumped of the couch and fell on her arse. She was scared, so frightened she could barely move besides falling backwards into the wall at the sight of the 2 girls.

'Mamrie listen to me' Grace growled.

'Grace she' could you do this we have to kill her' Mamrie hissed and moved fast, faster than Hannah had ever seen anyone move. What did she mean by human if Mamrie wasn't human then...

As Hannah looked up she was just in time to see the red heads featured up close and she screamed at the sight before her. Before relaxing as Gace had moved just as fast to push Mamrie backwards into the wall, breaking it.

'What...the fuck' Hannah breathed out unable to move from the position she was in.

'You won't touch her' Grace yelled in rage and looked at Hannah who was flinching away at the sight before her.

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