Chapter 12

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4 1/2 month's later,  Shannon, Lilly and Corey were in the tattoo parlor getting tattoos and piercing's. Corey had Shannon holding his hand while he was getting his nipple pierced, Shannon said your going to be fine it's only going to sting a bit then she shouted over to Lilly who was getting her rib tattooed and said isn't it only going to sting Corey a wee bit and Lilly said yeah it's only going to sting like Shannon just said.

Corey just told the man to pierce it and get it over with then the man did and Corey let a scream out and squeezed Shannon's hand hard Shannon then said God Joey's going to have a sore hand when I have my baby cause the way you squeezed my hand Corey.

Corey said yeah his hands going to be very sore then Shannon told the tattoo man she wants a tattoo of the 30 seconds to mars triangle behind her ear. So Shannon sat in the chair with her head to the side so the man could do the tattoo behind her ear after 10 minutes it was done then he put a plaster over it.

Shannon and Corey went over to Lilly to see if she was nearly done because Shannon was getting really tired cause she's nearly 8 month's pregnant. Lilly said yeah just got one more word to be tattooed on then I'm done Shannon asked Lilly how's the pain Lilly said it hurts like a bitch.

The tattoo man said that's you all done Lilly then Corey helped Lilly of the bed. Corey payed for everything then they all got into Tom's car and drove back to the tour bus, Lilly had to help Shannon on to the tour bus cause her bump was so big and heavy on her body.

When they got back on the tour bus Shannon walked straight to the sofa where Joey was sitting watching tv. Shannon put her head on to Joey's knee and her legs up on the sofa while Joey moved one of his hands on to her bump while Lilly was showing everyone her new tattoo.

Lilly said Shannon got a tattoo to then Shannon got up of the sofa and pulled her hair to one side and showed everyone her 30 seconds to mars tattoo. Craig said that's a nice tattoo then Joey said yeah that's a real nice tattoo, Shannon then left and went in to her room and put her Lakers Jersey then climbed in to bed and watched DVD's.

2 hour's later, Mick walked in and sat beside her then Shannon started to cry cause she was in so much pain and the baby wouldn't stop kicking what was making her in more pain. Mick then said this happens near the end of your pregnancy and Shannon just said I hate being pregnant bit I love my baby girl then Mick said that's why you don't have sex till your older and me, Joey, Craig,Corey,Jim,Chris,Paul and Clown are going to the bar so will see you later okay and kissed her on the head and left the room.

1 hour later, Shannon woke up feeling like she pissed herself so she got up and walked to Sid's room cause she new Lilly would be in there, she opened the door and seen Sid and Lilly just sitting talking to eachother and then Lilly said hi what are you doing out of bed Shannon just said I think I've pissed myself.

Sid said are you sure your waters haven't broke and your in labor right now then Shannon said but my baby is not due for another month and a couple of days, Lilly said okay I'm going to go get your bag and pillow while you get Shannon in the car quickly Sid.

They arrived at the hospital and Lilly told Sid to get Shannon's bags while Lilly walked into the hospital with Shannon. Shannon screamed at Lilly to get her a wheelchair, Lilly picked a old woman of her wheelchair and sat her just on the sofa in the waiting area then Lilly helped Shannon into that wheelchair and wheeled her to her room where the midwives attached Shannon to all the different monitor's and a drip.

The midwife checked if Shannon was ready to push and she said you will be ready to push in about 20 minutes or so cause your nearly dilated and Shannon asked Sid to call Joey and tell him to get his fucking ass up here. While Lilly was feeding Shannon ice chips Sid called Joey's phone and Craig answered it saying I think Joey's left with a girl or something but what's wrong Sid said could you please come up here and be with Shannon because she went in to labour anxiety me and Lilly are dying up here cause we haven't had weed all day Craig said will be there in 5 minutes.

Lilly ran out of ice chips and told Sid to go hold Shannon's hand while she go's and gets more so Sid went in to Shannon and took her hand and said your going to be okay just squeeze my hand when your in pain. Lilly got more ice chip's and seen Craig walking in so Lilly screamed Craig she's in this room here.

Craig and Lilly walked into the room to see Sid showing Shannon how to do the breathing properly. Craig walked straight over to Shannon and said I'm going to be by your side when your having this baby then the midwives all came in to the room and told Sid and Lilly to leave cause they have to deliver the baby now.

Craig and a midwife held Shannon's legs up to get ready for her to push, The main midwife told Shannon to start pushing and Shannon screamed and pushed and Craig said I can see it's little head come on your doing it just a couple more pushes and you will have your little girl. Shannon grabbed Craig by his jacket and said it really hurts Craig said I know it does then the midwife said one more big push and your baby Will be here.

Shannon pushed and the midwife grabbed the baby and put it in the incubator and brought the baby to the intensive care unit. the other midwife told her to push on more time so Shannon pushed and thought it was her baby so she hands down there and got her hands covered in blood then she screamed where's my baby and Craig grabbed her hands away from all the blood and Craig said the midwife brought her to the baby unit then Lilly walked in to tell them Joey's here then she saw all the blood and closed the door and starting throwing up.

The midwives asked Craig to leave so they could clean Shannon up but Shannon said please I need him here so they let him stay in the room with her. Shannon climbed out of the bed so they could change the covers of the bed and changed her into her own pyjamas then Shannon climbed back into the bed and looked at Craig asking when can she see her baby and Craig said you will be able to see your baby after you rest.

Craig then said I'm going to go for some air and call Mick to tell him your okay Shannon just said yeah you do that and thank you for being here with me. Craig opened the door and Joey pushed past him and ran over to Shannon asking her if she was okay then Craig closed the door and left Joey and Shannon alone to talk.

Shannon asked Joey where he was the whole time she was in all that pain Joey just said I was with friends at the bar Shannon then said why did Craig answer your phone saying you were not with them. Joey then said can we forget about it I'm here with you now and that's all what matters Shannon asked Joey to leave the room and ask Lilly to come in please.

Joey left the room and Lilly came in saying isn't better to have that little dude out of you so your not in pain anymore Shannon said yeah it is so can you go get a wheelchair for me and bring me to see my baby I'm desperate to see her please.

So Lilly got a wheelchair and helped Shannon in to the chair and wheeled her up to the intensive care unit and Brought her in to the room where her little baby was lying in an incubator. Shannon smiled and said she's so tiny then Lilly said she really looks like you.

Then the midwife walked in and said you's aren't allowed in here Shannon just said I have a fucking reason to be in here that's my baby in that incubator so I'm staying here. Then the midwife said you can stay here for another 5 minutes and that's it Shannon then asked if she could touch her little girls hand.

The midwife gave Shannon hand sanitizer to use before she touched her baby. Shannon opened one of the little Windows on the incubator and put her hand in and touched her little baby hand and started to cry because she was so happy to see her baby alive and okay.

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