Chapter 16

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Joey came to Craig's house to pick her up, Shannon stud up grabbed her bag then hug Craig tight then said bye and left the house and got in to Joey's car. Joey kissed Shannon when she got in to the car, Shannon asked Joey where they were going to now Joey said I'm going to show you my house and were going to decorate Ally's room before she comes home on Thursday.

Shannon said do you have the paint and everything what was ordered and left at the store for us to pick up when you got back from tour Joey just said i have the paint but haven't picked the stuff up yet we can do that later Shannon said we will do that tomorrow then. Joey pulled up to the house grabbed the paint and said are you coming in Shannon said yeah coming now.

Joey started showing Shannon round the house then they got in to the master bed room, first thing Shannon said was fuck me you have a bigger wardrobe than me and i'm a girl Joey said i like having a big wardrobe for my band merch , jumpsuits and other clothes. Shannon said oh cool i'm going to take one of your t-shirts for when were paint Joey said fine but i have to pick it so give me a fashion show Shannon said okay i can do that.

Shannon went in to his wardrobe and put his kiss t-shirt and walked out in that and her underwear Joey looked at her and said what happened to your shorts Shannon smiled and said i lost them in your wardrobe Joey stud up and walked towards her and kissed her. Shannon pulled away from Joey and said let's go paint Ally's room Joey said yeah fine.

Joey gave Shannon a tray of pink paint and a paint brush to paint a corner Shannon said what I have to just paint a corner while you get to paint near the whole room Joey said yes and kissed her. 1 hour later, Shannon finished painting the corner then started flicking paint at Joey he turned and looked at her and paint flicked in to his mouth Shannon laughed. Joey climbed down the ladder and said game on Shannon flicked more paint at him then Joey grabbed Shannon to the floor and poured paint every where on her Shannon screamed Joey get of me you win Joey smiled and said I always win then kissed her.

Joey climbed off Shannon then she stud up and went to the bathroom to shower, 1 hour later, Shannon went in to Ally's and told Joey she's going to pick up all the baby stuff from baby store Joey said okay see you after Shannon grabbed his pick up trucks keys then left. Shannon arrived  at the store and picked everything up for Ally's room and arrived home half am hour after.

Joey unpacked the car then Shannon told Joey were going to Sid's house so I can see Lilly Joey said okay lets go. Shannon knocked the door and no answer so lifted up a rock then Joey said wow don't break the window Shannon said I'm not there's a key underneath it Joey said oh okay. Shannon opened the front and Shit Face ran over to her then she walked in to the living room to see Sid and Lilly having sex on the sofa Sid shouted get out Joey came in and pulled Shannon by her arm but before he pulled her out of the room Shannon said fuck her she really needs it.

Joey and Shannon went in to the kitchen and opened a bottle of Jack Daniel's and Shannon said I've missed drinking alcohol. Lilly and Sid came in and Shannon said how was the sex Lilly said really good Shannon laughed. 2 hours later Joey came back in to the kitchen and said Shannon lets get home cause we have to be up early tomorrow cause Ally's coming home Shannon said yeah I know then said bye to Lilly and Sid.

3 hours later, Shannon answered her phone to hear Lilly screaming I'm engaged Shannon said congrats on that Lilly said thanks going to hang up now cause Sid's wants me so bye. Shannon crawled up the bed and climbed in to Joey's arms, Joey said your my number one girl in life and since I didn't give you a ring yet will you marry me and I have a ring this time Joey took her hand and put a ring on her finger Shannon smiled and said yes I will and it's so pretty.

Joey kissed her and said I love you Shannon said aw I love you to then they cuddled and watched a movie then they fell asleep. The next morning Shannon and Joey  got dressed and drove to the hospital to pick up Ally and bring her home. Shannon dressed Ally in a cream baby grow then Joey picked Ally up and put her in the car seat then they left the hospital and drove home.

Later that day Shannon, Joey and Ally were sitting in bed, Joey was playing with Ally's tiny feet while Shannon was taking pictures of Joey and Ally. Shannon took a picture of her Joey and Ally then uploaded to instagram saying so happy to have my baby home and love my new family so much. 

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