Chapter 18 - Tricksters

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It was dark and the street was deserted . . . until a yellow streak appeared out of nowhere and zoomed down the street. Seconds later, a flying flare burst through a portal of fire and chased after the yellow streak in a blaze.

In the Sparks house, Emma and Alex Sparks were tucking their young daughter into bed.

"Come on," Alex said as Young Zoe climbed beneath the covers.

"Sweet dreams, my beautiful girl," Emma whispered as she leaned closer and kissed Young Zoe's head.

Downstairs, Emma and Alex were in the living room. Alex poured red wine into two glasses and handed one to his wife. They looked at each other, lovingly and clinked their glasses. That's when something strange happened, the red liquid started to rise out of the glasses as if gravity was reversed. Emma and Alex looked at each other, confused and alarmed.

Suddenly, the Reverse-Flash burst in through a window as the Phoenix followed, her body covered in flames and wings of fire trailing behind her. She grabbed him, making him turn around and punched him. The Reverse-Flash retaliated by kicking the Phoenix, making her fall back and hit the wall. Upon impact, her wings extended and ignited the wall.

The Phoenix threw a fireball at the Reverse-Flash and he zoomed out of the way, the fireball hit the floor, setting the carpet ablaze. The Phoenix dove for the Reverse-Flash and grabbed him, spinning him around and throwing him against the opposite wall. The Phoenix then punched him, burning him in the process and before she could deliver another blow, the Reverse-Flash disappeared in a blur. He grabbed the Phoenix from behind and threw her against the wall where the doorway was. Her fiery body ignited the wall, which quickly spread to cover everything. The Phoenix kicked the Reverse-Flash back and charged at him, but the Reverse-Flash kicked her to avoid being hit and she spun around in mid-air, using both hands to shoot fire at him. The Reverse-Flash used his speed to escape at the last second and the fire blast burned the walls and curtains.

"Alex!" Emma cried as the entire living room was now incased in fire.

"Emma!" Alex said, holding her close.

Young Zoe approached the living room, coughing due to the fumes produced by the blaze and her eyes widened when she saw her parents trapped in the living room, surrounded by a ring of fire.

"Mom! Dad!" Young Zoe cried.

"Zoe, don't!" Emma pleaded.


"Stay back!" Alex told his daughter as he coughed.

"Mom! Dad!"

The Reverse-Flash and Phoenix continued to fight around Alex and Emma. The Phoenix punched the Reverse-Flash, he used his own momentum as he fell back to grab the Phoenix and kick her against the wall. The fire was spreading quickly, threatening to consume everyone and everything.



Barry had sent me a very cryptic text.

Meet me @ my lab. Need to talk.

I had no idea what he wanted but I knew whatever it was must have been important, so I headed to the CCPD.

"Okay, Barry, I'm here. So, what's the 911?" I walked into his lab and froze when I saw Zach and Joe were here as well. "Um . . . hey, guys. Wow, I haven't felt this much tension since the night of my high school Prom. Am I in trouble?"

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