Charms Essays and Pencils

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The Cast:
(More characters will be added as the story progresses)

The Cast:(More characters will be added as the story progresses)

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Rose Weasley

Scorpius Malfoy

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Scorpius Malfoy

Scorpius Malfoy

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Albus Potter

Lottie Lee

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Lottie Lee

Charlotte Reneve

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Charlotte Reneve

Now that you have met the characters, may the story begin...

Rose Weasley blew a pesky curl out her face. She sighed and let her eyes roam to the clock that hung above the rows of bookshelves that lined the wall. It read 1:58am. She groaned, yet picked up her quill once more and continued to scribble it against the ever growing pile of thick parchment. No one else was in the library at this hour, due to the time. She had to make the essay perfect, McGonagall would accept nothing less from her fifth years, let alone Rose Weasley herself. The clock hummed as one of its hands pointed towards the late hour of 2:00am.  Yet, finally, she was finished. Rose straightened the papers of her essay out and packed up her books, feeling relieved that it was finally done. She walked along the dusty bookshelves, the moonlight drenching the library being the only light guiding her towards the exit.

Her shoes patted against the stone floors, the sound of her journey to Gryffindor tower echoing across the lantern lit hallways. Her eyelids closed every few seconds as she continued to walk, Rose forcibly trying to keep them open so she wouldn't fall down the stairs and do something stupid. It had happened before, needless to say. When she finally saw the fat lady's portrait in the distance she relaxed, she would finally be able to go to sleep. Although, Lottie and Charlotte would not be too pleased with her waking them up at this hour. The fat lady, she could see from the distance, was sleeping and holding a wine glass. Red liquid was dripping out of it in a steady stream. She rolled her eyes, Rose was only relieved at these times to see her portrait. For the fat lady was a nuisance at times, constantly singing opera at the most unbearable times. She squinted as the corridor to the Gryffindor tower grew darker. And suddenly her own footstep echoes were not the only ones in the hallway. She tensed up and rummaged to find her wand,

"Lumos." She muttered. A bluish light was shone on the face of a blonde boy with a smug smile. She tightened her jaw and groaned. His grin grew even wider. Rose shook her head and began to try and walk forward. Scorpius Malfoy simply side stepped into her path, blocking her escape. Rose swallowed hard, "Get out of my way, you git." Scorpius looked decidedly up at the ceiling for a moment and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"How about no." He chuckled to himself. He circled around her, Rose jutted her hip out and kept her wand pointed at him.

"Malfoy, if you don't get out of my way, I'm going to hex you." She spoke through gritted teeth. He stopped in his tracks and grinned.

"I'll be going." She sidestepped, as did he. "What do you want? Are you just stalking the halls late at night to find someone desperate enough to snog you? You've come to the wrong bloody place, Malfoy." He simply frowned at her comment.

"No, Weasley. I'm here for your charms essay that's due tomorrow." She raised her brows at his statement.

"Oh, and what makes you think I'm going to give it to a bloody arse like you?" He walked towards her, his hand floating right above head. Rose's eyes looked up as he snatched the pencil from her hair. Her fiery curls tumbled down to her shoulders.

"Bloody!-" Malfoy took Rose's moment of anger to snatch her charms book. "Give me my books back!" He slid the papers out of her charms book, and placed it back in her hands.

"That's all I will be needing." Scorpius decided. She felt her neck grow red, the anger boiling inside her. All she wanted to do was hex him right then and there, or yell a long string of obscenities at him. But she would not give him the satisfaction. A confused daze washed over the boy's pale, angular face as Rose Weasley walked towards the porthole without any argument. Yet, his confusion only grew. She grinned and counted down, 3..2..1......

"Oi, Weasley! Where have the words gone?!" She grinned and spun on her heel.

"Accio, paper." She muttered happily. The essay was torn from Malfoy's hands and placed upon hers. At the touch of her own hands the words began to spread across the page once more, revealing themselves.

"Very clever-" Scorpius began. With a flick of her wand Scorpius was put in a leg locker curse, his body tumbling to the ground.

"Goodnight, Malfoy." She spoke with a smile creeping upon her freckled cheeks. "Whirling turnips." She muttered as she stepped through the porthole without a sound.

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