Serving Detention

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Rose trudged through the hallways solemnly. She, Rose Weasley, did not do detention. And the fact that Scorpius Malfoy, that git, had landed her in detention made it that much worse. She was still gritting her teeth at that fact that she had let him get to her. She hated that he did that to her, and her fiery temper did not help in the least bit. Rose swallowed hard as the rhythm of footsteps came up behind her. A boy with sandy hair and a sideways grin was jogging to catch up with her. Rose grinned as he fell into pace with her.

"Rose, hey. I knew how upset you were about your detention, so I thought I'd make it a little more bearable by walking you." Lorcan spoke quickly, his eyes locking with hers.

"Thank you, it does make it more bearable. Although, I still am walking to my demise." She sighed, Lorcan chuckled softly.

"Here, I'll take those." He plucked a few books out of her hands as they turned the corner to the trophy room. "Only you, Rose Weasley, would carry five different books around for no apparent reason." He laughed as he inspected her books, she elbowed him softly.

"Hey, I like to read! Who knows when I'll need them?" She defended herself.

"Five books? Alright, sure, whatever you say." He raked a hand through his hair. The two laughed together, the sounds echoing off the walls loudly. The trophy room was in sight now. A frown replaced the grin on Rose's face in an instant. Scorpius Malfoy was leaning against the door, his sly grin surprisingly absent. He watched as the pair made their way down the corridor. Rose stopped Lorcan halfway down, placing a hand on his.

"Thank you again, Lorcan. It made my journey a lot less painful." She beamed as he placed her books back in her hands.

"Don't read them all at once Rose." He reached a hand to the side of her face and brushed a stray curl behind her ear gently, his dark blue eyes evidently caught on hers. She looked down at her feet shyly as his hand touched her arm. She reached up on her toes and placed a kiss on his cheek swiftly.

"See you tomorrow." She called as walked away in the direction of the trophy room.

"See you tomorrow." He whispered in awe. Rose clutched her books to her chest and locked eyes with Malfoy. His eyes were dark and narrow, he was scowling as he stuck his hands in his cloak pockets.

"What are you looking at, Malfoy?" She snapped at him as she stepped into the room. He followed closely behind her.

"What are you up to with Lorcan Scamander, Weasley?" He grunted. Rose rolled her eyes and grabbed a bucket full of water and grasped a mop.

"Malfoy, why do you care?" She questioned as he yanked a mop from a bucket.

"Nothing. It's just that you barely know him now you're snogging-"

"Excuse me?" Rose interrupted in a burst of anger. Her eyes locked with Malfoys, who was once again smiling. She shook her head. "First of all, I've known him my whole life and second of all I kissed him on the cheek you bloody fool." She slammed her mop into the soapy water and pulled it out, and was now dragging it across the floor. "You really think I'm like that?" She stated almost jokingly.

"I dunno, Weasley..." He spoke arrogantly as he mopped beside her. She scoffed. She felt her face grow hot, tears stinging her eyes out of pure fury. No, she wouldn't let Malfoy see her like this. Rose tried to compose herself, yet her words still barreled out like venom.

"Look, Malfoy. You've done and said a lot of things to me, but when will it end? You're an arrogant git who doesn't care about anything but himself, and I'm tired of your manipulation. I'm tired of it."

"Weasley, you've done things to me too. It's not all my fault." Scorpius spoke with quiet vindication. Rose laughed sarcastically, her hands now clenching into fists.

"You've provoked me, bloody hell! What have I done these past five years that is so horrible? Why do I deserve this?" Rose now seriously questioned the boy who had been attacking her for years. She truly wanted to know why, why her? Sure their families hadn't gotten along and they'd gone head to head in every class because of what Rose's father had said; but she had never done or been anything truly terrible enough for him to hate her this much. The two clutched their mops in utter silence for a while. She scrubbed a few trophies. He stood silently. She was still fuming and much to her dismay, Malfoys expression was quite blank.

"Now you're silent, huh?" She scoffed, staring into the bucket of soapy water. "I'm finally allowing you to talk and you have nothing to say. Of course-"

"Just shut it, Weasley. Shut it!" Scorpius had launched his mop into his bucket, spraying water across the walls, trophies, and Rose. He sighed loudly and raked both his hands through his hair with force. He looked as though he was in an internal battle with himself. Rose didn't care to notice but simply blinked and wiped the water from her face and eyes. She frowned at the boy as he lifted his head and locked eyes with her. Rose sneered at him and picked her bucket up, Malfoy knit his eyebrows together as she trudged forward.

She raised the bucket above Scorpius' blonde head. She dumped it, allowing the water to cascade and rush over Malfoy. He scoffed, running a hand over his face and pushing his drenched blonde locks from his eyes. Rose swallowed hard and walked towards the door.

"Yeah Weasley, go find Lorcan you little-" He choked on his words as Rose turned on her heel and looked up and down at the soaked boy.

"Go to hell, Malfoy."

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