Chapter 4

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Peter walked me back to the dorm after my breakdown. He so caring I don't know how some people call him a heartless jerk. Today we have training so I get out of bed and change into my training outfit and went to the training room. When I got there Four had already set up the fights. I am with Molly. Great I get to smash her face in. She likes Peter but she isn't going to get him he's mine. Peter is with Tris. I hope he doesn't hurt her to bad. Once everyone gets there. Will and Drew fight first. Drew wins. Then it's Peter and Tris's fight. Tris puts up a good fight but is no match for Peter. She is soon nocked out but not hurt to bad. Peter walks out and comes over to me. Thanks for mot hurting her to bad I tell him. Hey if she is your friend I will do what it takes to make you happy he says pulling me into a kiss. Up next Winter and Molly Four says.

I pull away and walk into the rink. Molly lunges at me but I dodge her. I take her weakness to my advantage and kick her in the face. She looks up and I see anger in her eyes. She tackles me to the floor. She has me pinned at the arms so I take my knee and ram it into her stomach a few times. Till I have her pinned down and punch her in the face. She gets one good punch at my face and throws me across the ring. I take the time I have to get up. She goes for a punch but grab arm and throw her to the floor. I kick her in the face. On my second kick she grabs my foot and drags me to the ground. I punch her to her off of me. But she pins me to the floor. I then get the thought of her kissing Peter and that gets me mad. I punch her hard in the face. She falls to the ground. Then I repeatedly punch her in the face. She then is passed out.

I walk out of the ring with my lip busted open and my nose bleeding. I walk over to he bench and sit down. My head is pounding and O am breathing heavy. Peter walks over to me. Hey you ok he ask bending down in front of me. Yeah just a little shaken up I tell him. That my girl he says kissing my forehead.

I start to calm my breathing. Soon all of the fights are over and it's time to go to dinner. I haven't left the spot I was in since the fight. Peter comes over to me and gives me his hand. I use it ti help me up and we walk to dinner. When we get to the dinning hall I get a slice of pizza and sit down at the table. I finish eating before everyone else so I rest my head on Peter' s shoulder and fall asleep.

Peter p.o.v

I feel Winter put her head on my shoulder. I look down and see her asleep. Aw look how cute you two are I hear Christina screech. Can you calm down Candor you don't want to wake her I say. Hey call me by my real name she says. Ok Christina can you quite down so you don't wake her. Better she says. I better take her back to the dorms I tell them. Ok bye Peter they say. I pick up Winter bridle style and walk out of the dinning hall. I don't like the gang but if it's to make Winter happy I'm happy. Hey Peter wait what happened to Winter Tris ask. She's asleep so I'm taking her back to the dorms I tell her. Ok bye Peter she says. I walk to the dorms and put Winter in her bunk lightly but I guess not lightly enough. Peter she says sleepily. Yeah Winter. Will you stay with me. Yeah sure. I get in and lau down next to her. So the rankings are up for stage one tomorrow she says. Yeah I know, I wonder who's going to get cut I tell her. Yeah I know she says yawning and nuzzling her head into my chest. I soon drift off into a dreamless sleep.

I am woken up by Winter who jerks up fast and is breathing heavy. I sit up and look at her to she her face streaked with tears. Another dream I ask her. She nods and I hug her. Go back to sleep I'll make sure your dreams don't come back I tell her. She nods and lies back down on top of me.

Winter p.o.v

I wake up in Peter's arms. Peter wake up we have training today I say jumping on him. Hey lady will you get off of me I have a girlfriend he mumbles. I laugh. Hey I am your girlfriend you dick I say acting pissed. Huh he says jerking up real fast hitting his head on the head board. I bite my lip to keep from laughing. Winter I'm sorry you can't blame me I was asleep he says. I laugh i bit but try to cover it but fail. Hey I heard that he says. I laugh even harder and fall off the bed. Peter laughs at me. And I sit on the floor with my arms crossed glaring at him. Even though I'm not mad. Winter are you ok he ask. yeah I say with attitude. Come on Winter why are you mad he ask. I'm not I say laughing my but off.

Come on Winter we have to get ready he says. I don't want to I say flopping back on the floor. Come on and get changed or do I have to do it for you he ask. I'm not getting up I say. So I have to change you he says with a smirk. Ok I say. He grabs my clothes. Can you at least sit up he says. Nope I say popping the P. He set me up against the bed and takes off my shirt. He then puts on my other shirt. He then takes off my pants. He pauses for a minute but then sum how got my pants on sit me sitting.

Now get up he says. Fine I say in defeat. He extends a arm to help me up and I take it. While we are walking I jump on his back. Hey what do you think you r doing he ask looking up at me. Um getting a ride from my boyfriend what does it look like I say. Uh you are crazy today he says. And we walk into the dinning hall for breakfast. O hope down and run into line for food. Peter follows close behind. I get pancakes withe syrup and milk. Once I get my food I run over to the table and sit down.

What has gotten into you Winter you see high Will says. Oh I'm just hyper today I tell him. Winter you need to slow down I can barely keep up with you Peter says. Hey I ready to fight today I say.  What did they put in those pancakes Christina ask. Nothing it's not the pancakes she been like this since she has gotten up Peter says. You think I'm annoying don't you I say. No, it's different with you being this hyper Peter says. Better be but you have to give me a piggy back ride to the training room got it I say. Got it he says.

Once we get to the training room I jump off Peter's back and tun to see who I am fighting. I am fighting Edward. I look at the board in total shock. I can't fight him. I could die. Peter comes over to me. You can take him he says. No I can't he beat you I say yeah but use all that energy to knock him out got it.

Our fight was first. We circle the ring waiting for the first person to make a move. I use my energy and jump on him taking him to the ground. I take this opportunity to punch him in the face. He then throws me across the ring and I groan In pain but I fight through it and push myself up and run at him and throw him to the floor. And punch him but he pins me to the floor. I punch hard across the face. He Then punches me just as hard. I manage to push him off of me. And get up but he grabs my leg making me fall smacking my face on the floor. I hear a snap and I know my nose is broken. I kick him multiple times in the face. He drags me up and throws me again. I can feel the blood rushing down my face. I try and get up I do but I am unsteady. I run at Edward and punch him square in the face. I keep punching him until he falls to the floor. I stumble out of the ring. Peter take your girlfriend to the infirmary Eric says. I limp over to Peter. It's hard for me to breath. Winter are you ok he ask. I nod and then cough and blood comes out of my mouth.

Oh Winter Peter says and picks me up bridle style and runs to the infirmary. We get there soon and I am rushed into a room and they take x-rays of my body. They said I broke my nose again and I have one broken rib. They had to re-brake my nose.  After all of that I finally got to leave. Peter grabbed my arm and helped me out of the bed. He helped me all the way back to the dorm. When we get there I see my name in first. Was that because I beat Edward. Congrats Peter says I look up and see him in second. You too now where the baddest couple in initiation I say pressing my lips to his. I yawn. You tired Peter ask and I nod. You've had a ruff day come on he says. Winter Tris Christina yell running over to us. Yeah I say. How are you, are you ok they say. She's fine and you can ask her all your questions tomorrow for now she is tired and wants to go to bed Peter says. We walk over to my ned and Peter sets me down on my bed. Thanks I tell him. No problem I will do anything for you he says. I love you I say. I love you too he says. I kiss him and lay down and drift of to sleep.

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