Chapter 2: Choices

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           Ring------ the last bell rand and I can finally stop learning new teachers names and students names. It was a stressful day but Zayn helped me threw it, he was kind of to close for comfort but I guessed that, that's was the way they did things here at blue bear high. We where walking together to my car when he grabbed my ass. I quickly pulled it away and pushed him away from me and walked away, he slapped my ass than pulled my waste turning me around and we where eye to eye.
"Your mine new girl" Zayn whispered. I pushed him away one more time and told him to get way from me and never talk to me again. He than thrusted himself onto me against my car kissing me he was on top of me and not really anyone around but I screamed "STOP!! STOP!! GET OFF OF ME!! I WANT TO GO HOME!!" When I sense of release came off my chest. One of Zayn's friends Nick pulled him off of me. They started to fight about it Nick saying something about, not to treat girls like that and he needed to stop doing it but I didn't care, I just wanted to go home and never come back again.

           When I arrived home it wasn't any better than what happened at school that day. But I just hid in my room never wanting to come out again.

           *knock, knock* "time to get up" the sounds of my mothers voice said repeatedly swirling in my brain.
"I don't want to go back there."  I yelled threw my door,
"Oh Margie, but you have to; you can't miss anymore days and it's only the second day of Blue bear high"
"It's different here; a bad different that I don't like."
"Margie get ready for school or I'll get your father." My mother said with a sound of regret after remarking my father into the bickering my mother and I where doing on that Wednesday morning.
"Look Margret, I'm sorry for remarking your father. Just get ready for school, please." My mother said in words of sorrow.
"Fine" I told her regretting that I would have to face Zayn today at school after almost getting raped.

           When I got to first period I avoided eye contact with Zayn. I tried not to pull any attention to myself  and didn't say a word. It worked but when the bell rang for passing time Zayn approached me "hey Margie wanna have some fun tonight?" He asked me walking closer to me.
"Stop, I tell him in a low hushed voice because a lot of the students were around and didn't want anyone to remember me as the girl who rejected Zayn.
His friend Nick came around the corner and saw Zayn talking to me, "hey man I've been meaning to talk to you about the party" getting Zayn distracted from me so I can run away. I know of that because he looked at me the same way my mother gives to me, cause she knows my father is going to do something. So when Zayn looked away I speed walked to my next class, when I reached the stairs I thought I was far enough to slow down. "Hey! Wait up" I heard Nick say behind me. But I didn't wait I kept on going up the stairs not looking back when I felt a hand on my shoulder and my instincts came in and shook it off. " hey I'm trying to help you!" Nick replied
"Help me! You can't help me, Zayn will probably never stop trying to get at me, I don't know what I did to deserve this but I'm getting it. A lot of bad things have happened in my life. No one can fix that, I have to avoid it get away from it, figure away out. I usually do it by myself and most of the time it works out but, when my life finally starts looking a little better sometimes bad happens to ruin it."
"I'm sorry your life is screwed up, but if I haven't pulled Zayn off of you yesterday; you might be pregnant" he looked at a pregnant girl walking by. " Zayn did that, he's not going to be in the picture of that child's life; don't want that to be you." I looked at her and smiled she gave me a friendly smile back.
"Why are you trying to help me?"
"Because I really like you, don't want anything bad happening"
"You like me, you don't want any bad stuff to happen to me?"
Nick rolled his eyes "Yes; I'm not like Zayn, I help the girls that get stuck in his little trap, that girl Yazméne didn't listen to me and look where she ended up. I see potential in you; listen to me and I can help you, I just want to be your friend."
"Ok, only because I can really use a friend, new school and all"
"Yeah, new school and all."
The late bell to second period rang and I rushed into my class not saying anything tho Nick, I sat by the door and looked out into the hall he was standing there waiting for a goodbye or something. I chuckled into my hand and waved to him, he smiled then walked into his class, across the hall.

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