A teen girl is struggling threw life at this point due to her father, she meets a guy and falls in love with him even tho she doesn't want to and things happen and he confesses his love, her father sees them kiss and takes her away, he does things t...
It was our anniversary and Nick was taking me to the park to the same bench we sat at before I left. He set up a beautiful picnic, Nick hung lights on the trees. It was all so beautiful. When we sat down he said: "Your not going to leave me tonight are you?" He said with a laugh "No, not ever again." I responded with a laugh. We sat down and we kissed again the way his lips touched mine it was like electricity.
When we were done eating we just talked looking each other. It had to be an hour straight when he got up. I questioned it in my mind. He just held my hand than he let go and sort of danced around I laughed and he smirked and went on his knee "Margie, 2 months ago you left me here on this bench, that knight we promised to always love each other no matter where the other was and we have kept that promise, I let you go cause, if you love someone you let them go and if they feel the same way it will come back and you came back and to make sure you can't get away cause those 2 months separated tore me, so today, our day I am going to propose" he pulled a ring out and I was shocked "Margret Stephanie Adams, will you promise to always love me for loving you by taking this ring and being my wife?" I gasped and teared up "YES!" Nick came and sat next to me and wiped my tear "Is this a happy tear?" He smiled and laughed than put the beautiful ring on my finger
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I was so happy to live an amazing life with this man, I know we where young but we have been threw a lot and his parents and my mom were very supportive. Right after he graduated we started to plan the wedding. When he graduated college we had the wedding, I didn't finish my high school degree or go to college cause I didn't think I really needed it, Nicks parents where business owners to a restaurant, they where going to pass it onto Nick but it wasn't his thing so they gave it to me, the wedding was beautiful.
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